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Freeze-Nado is the 24th gamemode added to Tornado Alley Ultimate, where the player must survive a tornado with four winter weather conditions. It was released on December 17, 2020, in part three of the Endgame Update.[2]

Freeze-Nado works similarly to JackO'Nado and Trollnado, with various winter weather warnings appearing throughout the round which signify various events. However, rather than affecting particular players like trolls and curses do, Freeze-Nado's winter weather warnings affect the entire map and include environmental hazards such as blizzards and avalanches.

Freeze-Nado poses a high threat as it is among one of the many gamemodes where the player not only needs to worry about environmental hazards, but the tornado itself.

List of Winter-Related Disasters

Avalanche—Large snowballs rain down from the sky, destroying parts and killing players on impact.

Blizzard—Blizzard conditions will reduce the visibility of players' screens.

Cold Burst—The tornado will emit particles that can freeze parts into ice.

Ice Spikes—Ice spikes will appear from the ground and can kill players on impact