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hey!! How've you been??


Graduated uni in april and now ready for a job haha. You have so manyy new kids omgg /bleedsu

What?? Congrats!! What's your degree 👀 and also I'm in the same boat KEKEKEK

And I do 😭 too many good lads. I see you have new ones too 👀

Hotel and Restaurant Management haha. Can we pair them fufufu. Thank you for the faveeee spreee!!!! Yosh! Lets both do our bestest!!

Oh yo, that sounds really cool 👀 I studied music performance and education, but I'm a lil interested in learning business management tbh. Just bc my current job is so badly run kekekek

And ye, that sounds cool! I finally tagged my bois with who is and isn't canonically taken, but I'm also up for au ships like how we did with freddy!

Omggg freddy ;w;

That boi will have new a design too! Ey sure! We will talk to discord! Oh wow music!