Comments on Looking for characters! Offering stuff All Comments

hey! Would any of the ocs in here be of interest to you? (feel free to ignore the usd labels!)

whrfhg has SUCH a cool design TT would you be seeking art in particular or something different? c:

YEAH! I'm mostly interested in art for them :D

so sorry for the late reply!! I would absolutely love to offer for them but I'm a bit swamped art-wise currently, so I'd hate to keep you continuously waiting ><" I'd love to put offering into consideration and come back at a later date so it isn't as hard to bear putting them on hold forever, if that's all ok with you!! Thank you so much <3

That's cool with me! I wouldn't mind waiting on an offer for when you're ready!! :D

hello!! I've at last achieved a level of clearance enough within my queue to add more art into it, but I noticed the character was pending! ^o^ for clarification, this entails that you have already accepted an offer, correct? (nws if so!! I just wanted to make certain c: )

14 Replies