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Sooooo I don’t mind if we do 2 images, but with the sketch that I’ve made- ((which I’ll post + link over)) I’ll do colouring and background and could you do lineart and shading :00

//Ok so- I finished the sketch- and basically the way I do sketching is a little weird xD so when your like linerarting- remember to check the refs because I sometimes just simplify details during my sketches because of pen thickness so eg the bears have like wayyy more detail than just 3 circles xD also the purple lines, on the clothing ((not the wings or background)) are like “pointers” to show where like colour is meant to go not like normal lineart xD if that makes sense- anyways good luck xD if you need me to change anything about the sketch I can do that and if you have any questions ask me- fkagskvakdbalx hk

Okok! But to make this a lot easier could you send a psd file?? pngs are hard to work with when coloring so >_>;; Do you have a discord I could send the psd through??

Lol I unfortunately don’t have discord cuz parents- but I can try do psd file- :0 oh wait- just realised I did the sketch on files so I can’t change file type sorry- could you like lineart over it- :0 then delete the sketch to turn it into a psd file and i can like colour over it and stuff ;0 ((tbh kinda confused sorry ;;-;))

Ah... Unfortunately when you upload images to TH they don't save as anything but png's and jpegs so you do have an email I can send the psd file to? My art email is [email protected] (i just mad emine just now so you can make an art email too if you don't wanna show your irl one? if that's okay;;)

Oh- I see… hmm well lemme try see if I can get a secret discord account just for this lol- emails a bit difficult xD

Aight so I’m on phone rn and I don’t want to download the app so I’ll do it on my computer later-

Ok lmk when you've done ittt

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