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Okok! But to make this a lot easier could you send a psd file?? pngs are hard to work with when coloring so >_>;; Do you have a discord I could send the psd through??

Lol I unfortunately don’t have discord cuz parents- but I can try do psd file- :0 oh wait- just realised I did the sketch on files so I can’t change file type sorry- could you like lineart over it- :0 then delete the sketch to turn it into a psd file and i can like colour over it and stuff ;0 ((tbh kinda confused sorry ;;-;))

Ah... Unfortunately when you upload images to TH they don't save as anything but png's and jpegs so you do have an email I can send the psd file to? My art email is [email protected] (i just mad emine just now so you can make an art email too if you don't wanna show your irl one? if that's okay;;)

Oh- I see… hmm well lemme try see if I can get a secret discord account just for this lol- emails a bit difficult xD

Aight so I’m on phone rn and I don’t want to download the app so I’ll do it on my computer later-

Ok lmk when you've done ittt

Might need to do the sorry lol