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No problem! Although there's only one picture I like how your buff naga gal looks!

Haha I should draw her again, it's been a while! Thank you! 🥳

And goodness, thanks for subbing! 

Well if you draw her again I'll be sure to take a look!

And no problem! I'm trying to be more active on here and find people to subscribe to. ^^

Haha, I probably will at some point, I need to do more than just doodles anyway.

I myself am trying to do the same! How do you decide to follow or interact with someone? I keep waffling around a lot haha

I mean, doodles aren't bad, I personally doodle all the time and I need to add the doodles to some of my character profiles lol

Um, I just tend to watch the forums a lot. If I see someone with an art style or cool characters I inspect their profiles and characters. If I like a lot of their stuff, I subscribe! I also try to leave nice comments on characters if I really want to subtly interact.

Oh yeah, absolutely, I just start feeling like I'm not covering all the details before my brain scampers off to another idea and I have to beg it to recall a sandwich recipe, hahha -

So sensible. Me like. 😅 I guess I'm awkward about it because I don't know much about the adopt community and it feels like TH mostly aims towards that. Not a bad thing, just not quite my thing. The art here is sometimes overwhelmingly amazing, however, like wow.

9 Replies