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This Pokémon is named Crescent, often colloquially called Cress, and within the Cresselia allegiance they work alongside the lead archivist Skye to manage and keep records for the allegiance’s main library within Mount Luna!

Cress has a deep fascination with stories, both real histories and fictional tales, and as such was immediately attracted to Cresselia’s library for its wide array of materials and particularly thorough archives. He joined the Cresselia faction to have access to these resources, having been in the neutral faction before. Cress didn’t expect he’d be recruited as anyone notable— he just wanted to help out around where he could and hide in the library until the war was over— but either luckily or unluckily for him, Skye took a shining time him.

Skye, the eccentric historian and lead librarian, noticed Cress was often in reading and pouring over the material— and that Cress seemed intent on reading the entire history of the region, of embarking on the journey of walking back through time with primary documents, secondary sources and collected artifacts. Admiring the dedication of Cress and hoping to use his knowledge to help other mon in the library archives, Skye offered them a job as his assistant. That’s how Crescent got here— working as the second in command of the archivist for Cresselia— and he’s still just as quiet and bookish as ever. While his “customer service” skills are not the best, his knowledge of the archive is unmatched even by its keeper on account of his immaculate memory— and Crescent can always find what you’re looking for, no matter how vague or incomplete the description.

Overall, the Cresselia faction is more than just work to Crescent though. He joined the faction to learn, and he views his position as an archivist as a way to help other pokemon learn too! He really enjoys helping other mon find the knowledge they’re seeking so they can further their studies as well. He has strong loyalties to Cresselia because the factor has empowered him and his learning, as well as the academic goals of so many other pokemon. For that he can never be thankful enough.