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Here's my idea! 

Dallas resides in a camp with multiple other wolf centaurs of his kind. He's the youngest one of this brothers. His eldest brother is the leader of the camp. He and his brothers are some of the few organic wolf centuars. Although Dallas usually seems carefree and bubbly on the outside, he feels useless compared to his two older brothers who have taken most of the responsibility running and addressing important matters in the camp. Since everything is usually under control, Dallas isn't in charge of much. The most he could do is keep an eye on the food supply, even though the rest of the camp usually has it under control.

Dallas is usually seen with a short, purple shawl which brands the camp's symbols. Dallas is 18, although he hasn't been 18 for long. His demeanor is usually bubbly and playful. He tries his best to spruce up the camp to keep it from looking dull, and tries to be friendly to all the camp members, although he could get frusturated and more emotional more often than his siblings. He is moderately atheletic, and usually aims for being the fastest runner whenever the camp has sports events. 

One day, when he goes out to hunt with a few friends, he stumbles upon Sequioa. He takes care of them and Sequioa is at first fearful of everybody. They only placed some trust within Dallas, which to them isn't much, but to Dallas, it meant the world. This trust boosted his confidence, since he finally felt like somebody needed and depended on him. Although he does have a few important jobs, he knew that even without him, the rest of the camp could handle it. So, to have someone finally depend on him really made him feel better.  

The camp usually accepts many different kinds of centaurs, whether they be born as such or past humans subjected to illegal experimentation. 

Thanks for considering ♥

💞 New years Resolutions! 

> Get better at art by trying to draw daily 

>Post more and interact more with followers on instagram 

>Develop more characters and plan out future webcomic 

Sending over! ^^