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Question! When animating, do you first draw an illustration on Photoshop and then import it over to After Effects when your done drawing or do you draw it on After Effects? I just need to know first before if i ever get the possibility to buy After Effects so i can give it a try and i'm not sure if i need to have both programs required!

Good question! Photoshop itself is not at all required for After Effects, the only thing I would need is a drawing program that can save transparent images! And I'm sure there are lots of options for that! I divide up my drawings into sections like this
And this can be done in any drawing program! ^^ Not just photoshop ^^

Each of those chopped-up pieces gets its own layer, is put in its correct spots, then moved using after effects :D

Using whatever drawing program, you take your chopped pieces and import them into After effects


That little box up there, "Duik" Is something I seldom ever use, it is optional rigging! ^^ But if you look closely, you can see all my transparent layers! :D

Ohhhhhhhhhh okay! I get it now! This is really helpful! Thanks!