Comments on New Year Update + Oracle Readings All Comments

Happy New Years to you too! Those sound really cool tho, the reworked profiles and the game! I can’t wait to see them both in the future! It’s gonna be so cool, I can already tell! 

If you’re not to busy, I would love a reading as well! 


lepidolite - recall your dreams

2022 feels like a bit of a hectic year for you. there seems to have been a lot going on in your life with some pretty hefty changes that don't seem like the best to your energy, honestly. it feels like you're sort of.. almost overused, if that makes sense? burnt out is probably the better term there, but it feels like your energy is just tired and needs something to freshen it up. 2023 is a good time to recall the things you want in your life, not the things others want for you. what do you dream of for yourself? when you were younger, what was something you wanted to do/experience but couldn't at the time? 2023 is a good year for you to reflect on the things you used to have aspirations for and what passions you had that you'd still want to carry out. though the card says recall, i think it might be good to take initiative to them. if you want to do something, do it. stop making excuses as to why you shouldn't! if you feel like there's simply no time, make time; you've gotta do these things for yourself! 

Phew wow! That honestly hit me harder in a way I wasn’t expecting. Just spot on for stuff I’ve had in my mind lately and it was shocking to me to see the reading had hit the nail on the head. It’s been really kinda cool to hear (or I suppose read in this case) what I already suspected and just didn’t really have the courage to admit.

It’s honestly interesting because the question of my dreams and aspirations has been something that I’ve had on my mind but have had to keep shelving because I wanted to finish my degree and get away from school. I really do appreciate the reminder to make time for those things and to not be afraid to pursue them. My dreams and aspirations are still important, even if they aren’t necessarily related to a degree or anything like that. 

Thank you so much for the reading Sega, that was really helpful and definitely put a few things into perspective for me. I appreciate you and just you making every space you enter that much brighter! I hope you have a fantastic 2023!