New Year Update + Oracle Readings

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago by muichiro

hello everyone! happy new year! i hope your holiday was filled with joy and you had fun and for those of you who had a little bit more fun than average, i hope you treat yourself well today! there's a lot of energy that travels around during the new year and it's pretty exciting to see how positive people are. even if the year starts to feel as if it's sour, try to have hope that it still can remain a good year. 

over the next few weeks, i will be reworking character profiles and working on a web version of Head Over Heels since the RPG version and the pixeling was so overwhelming that i completely shat myself and didn't work on anything. i can't say the art for the game will be beautiful, it might not even have art, but i guess we will see. 

all that ASIDE, for the next few days i will be offering new year oracle readings! they will be from a crystal deck that is very happy to share its knowledge with the world around it! if you're interested in it, just let me know below and i will get you a reading! 


Hellooo and happy new year! The new bios and Web version of head over heels sound so exciting, I can't wait to read 👀

(Also if you still have time and aren't too drained I'd be curious about a reading o:) 

Either way, all the best to you, I hope 2023 treats you kindly. 💛


agate - get back into balance

i am so sorry i am so late, confused! my week got busy and i just could not ground myself to get your reading! i am here now, though! and you got agate! a really interesting stone, honestly. it's got so many layers (not like onions lmfao) and looks really pretty in blue. anyway! your 2022 feels like it was kind of.. hectic? i don't think it was insanely hellish, but it does feel like it was hectic, especially in the mind. i think you might have fallen off the wagon with the path you wanted to go somewhere and it looks like 2023 is a good time to start getting into balance. i'm getting the sensation that you were hurt somewhere and since then, you've kind of shelled up and you're too worried about your feelings to let yourself feel new things. i think there's a lot you want to do and try to do, but you're kind of off on this little cloud by yourself, keeping away. 

this is the year to start recognizing these things and embracing the happier version of yourself that you reflect on. what did you do in those times? why is it okay to let painful times go? if you've ever done grounding meditation, i suggest that and if you haven't, i still suggest it hsgiadshg! it might be good to bringing yourself back down. 

Oml, no worries!! You really didn't have to, I mean, I was late and it was very generous of you to even offer! Thank you so much for still doing this D: I hope you got some time to rest after your busy week? 

(I love me some onions xD) But really, that is... scarily accurate. Like half of 2022 felt like I was stuck in survival mode lmao so there was indeed not a lot of movement.
thank you for this, really. You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking the time to do this. It's been a wild few days and this was strangely comforting.
Also I never tried grounding meditation, I don't think I ever heard of it before but I will look into it! 

omg good luck with head over heels and happy new year!!! i hope your year is filled with love and happiness and success :) 

may i have a reading if that's ok?


selenite - clear the clutter

so! i think your 2022 was pretty even, i'm not getting extreme vibes from you. i do feel like you obtained a lot, be it knowledge, material items, friendships, etc, and it might be a little overwhelming. 2023 is starting to feel like its picking up in changes for you, and the things that are physically around you seem kind of.. boxed in, almost? it looks like this year is a time to clear out the clutter in your life and make everything fresh. if you've been wondering whether or not you should clean out your house, websites, and self; then now is the time. if you have also been wondering whether or not you should allow yourself to be the inner person you want to be, now is also the time. clearing the clutter helps us get rid of things we no longer need or no longer server us. i'm getting a lot of 'aesthetic change' sensations from you and if you've been eyeing a new style for yourself, clear the old out and bring in the new! 

oh my goodness sorry for not replying for 4 days!! we've been thinking this over and while it's good advice, we can't really see how it would fit our current life situation aside from just... cleaning our room? this doesn't feel accurate and we're really sorry!! we think it's because we've been very switchy and multiple lately - it would make sense that you'd get a confusing reading from that :0 so it's not you, it's us!!


i am a little late bc i completely forgot to actually comment BUT!! happy new year!!!

both of those sound so neat, i can't wait 👀 i will be cheering you on with all i've got!!
aaand also, no worries at all if there's too much to get to already or anything at all, but i'd be very interested in a reading too otherwise! that's so cool oml


aquamarine - go with the flow 

WELL! you have quite some electric energy around you. 2022 seems like you did a lot of getting stuck in metaphorical whirlpools that left you feeling battered and broken. i feel like we could highlight the year, but it's probably best to get into a note to keep in mind for your 2023, since you seem a little bit like you're in the middle of a seesaw right now and slightly emotional. this year is a good year to practice going with the flow and not falling into fighting the current. which is, honestly, probably not what you want to hear at all LMFAO. i think you've probably been told this in your life before and maybe didn't quite get it and nobody really paused to tell you exactly how to accomplish it when you're upset and feeling unwell. there are many ways to go about it, but one that might be good for you is to adopt a sort of, 'i am unhappy and feeling negative about this, but tomorrow is a different, new day' mindset. if you find that maybe you're having a bad day, realize that you are and that you don't feel the best and accept that, go with the flow and take care of what you can manage to take care of. when we're stuck in rapid waves, we can either attempt to disconnect from it and swim to the side towards land, or we can let it take us where the stream will grow calmer and maintain our heads above the water. how do you maintain your own head above the water? what things can you do in negative situations that will keep your sanity? 

this was REALLY interesting!!! the 2022 bit sounds just about right i'd say lmao

anyway, i'm gonna be analyzing this a whole lot 👀 bc wow!! in a way, i've always felt like i tend to embrace the flow more than anything, but considering it's oftentimes a more wallowing in the flow of the negative kind of way, and sometimes being even thrown off for a bit when the feeling moves on to something more chill anyway, i doubt it's really in the right way exactly LOL. so that mindset really sounds like something to work on haha. i think i tend to take it more as the end of the world and kind of just drown until it's passed, which is... not the best usually
can't believe how relevant this stuff is, in general and presently even!

i'll be very eagerly making note of all of it, and thank you so so much, goddamn!! you're always such a great presence to have around, and then you go and do all this on top of that! 😭 i really hope 2023 is kind to you and ends up a good year for you too!!

Happy New Years! 

Does this mean that Head Over Heels will be in a webcomic-like format? 👀

yes!!! i think so! i've got a lot of research to do to figure out HOW to kind of get it done like that, but i guess we will see.. :thinking: 

idsgoadsghdsag i wish things were easier to organize IDSGMAGOSHG

Definitely interested in trying your game out one day 👀 could I get a reading too? Ty and happy new year :D


aventurine - create your own luck!

this stone is such a slap in the face sometimes, because you're just like wow thanks.. create my own luck. but! it is a good one and it is true! i think there's been some things you've wanted or wanted to do but haven't quite felt 'lucky' enough to get into them. you might be feeling as if you have shit luck and i think it's a self prophecy there by stewing in it. 2023 seems like a pretty optimistic year for you, so long as you cultivate it how you want it to be. i don't know whether you're into the idea of manifestation or not, but this card is just that. whenever you want something this year, make your own luck! manifest that you have just that! if you want a job that pays better, manifest it! believe in it! if you want to do something, manifest it! i think taking a positive outlook on things will really help you and just generally believing in yourself will spread that energy that gravitates desires towards you! 

Happy new year!! I'd love to get a reading, too. Psyched to see new content!!


celestite - soothe your soul 

so! first of all, you are a little difficult to read, haha. i feel as if you're very guarded and you have this little field around you that doesn't want to quite let itself go down. but! from what i can gather from you, i feel like your 2022 was a little hectic but also underwhelming at the same time? it feels like there was a lot of energy going around you, but not quite the energy you wanted to really put yourself into. there's some anxiety sensations from you, a lot of worry about different kinds of things, though i am getting a money based nervousness that's a little bit taller than the rest. 2023 might be a difficult year for you in the sense that you need to sort of remind yourself that the universe will have your back and if you put the intention that things will work out, they will. it's time to direct your soul into things you want to do and to make time in the chaos to find ways to soothe yourself and to also not be so hard on yourself. celestite is such a soul/spirit stone, derived in name after celestial; so if you have an interest in the metaphysical, i think it might help you figure out how to essentially 'control' and make your life shaped in the way YOU want it. IDK, i get a slight curiousness at the metaphysical from you and if thats the case, this stone is a good calling card to explore a little and dabble in new areas that might be of interest to you. 

Wow!! This was really spot on @_@ I did have a very hectic underwhelming 2022..  The part about the curiousness at the metaphysical is also spot on. I really need to put more faith in the universe and stop trying to control everything with my own two little hands. A bad habit of mine. This is just what I needed to hear -- thank you so much!! 

Happy New Year! Cheers to 2022 for being a good year, and here's to 2023!

id love to get one of those readings, that seems fun.


apatite- get out of your comfort zone

so! it looks like this year is a good year for you to do things that you want to do, but aren't letting yourself. i personally feel like, from you.. you're holding yourself back a lot from doing things you want because you think you're not allowed to? like, i think you have high expectations on yourself that you're great at hiding, so you're not even aware that you're doing it. 2022 feels like it wasn't the worst year for you, nor was it the best; it just was- but i think that concept is a little tiresome to you. when we get in these kinds of ruts, it's good to do what we're too afraid to do. i get a big sense of.. withdrawal from you? like you're not allowing yourself to be who you want to be. embrace that! be who you want to be. allow yourself that, even if its in the comfort of your own home. if it makes you uncomfortable at first but you know it's good for you, then this is the year to do it!

I felt humbled and warm reading this. Thank you so much! It is beautiful!

Happy New Years to you too! Those sound really cool tho, the reworked profiles and the game! I can’t wait to see them both in the future! It’s gonna be so cool, I can already tell! 

If you’re not to busy, I would love a reading as well! 


lepidolite - recall your dreams

2022 feels like a bit of a hectic year for you. there seems to have been a lot going on in your life with some pretty hefty changes that don't seem like the best to your energy, honestly. it feels like you're sort of.. almost overused, if that makes sense? burnt out is probably the better term there, but it feels like your energy is just tired and needs something to freshen it up. 2023 is a good time to recall the things you want in your life, not the things others want for you. what do you dream of for yourself? when you were younger, what was something you wanted to do/experience but couldn't at the time? 2023 is a good year for you to reflect on the things you used to have aspirations for and what passions you had that you'd still want to carry out. though the card says recall, i think it might be good to take initiative to them. if you want to do something, do it. stop making excuses as to why you shouldn't! if you feel like there's simply no time, make time; you've gotta do these things for yourself! 

Phew wow! That honestly hit me harder in a way I wasn’t expecting. Just spot on for stuff I’ve had in my mind lately and it was shocking to me to see the reading had hit the nail on the head. It’s been really kinda cool to hear (or I suppose read in this case) what I already suspected and just didn’t really have the courage to admit.

It’s honestly interesting because the question of my dreams and aspirations has been something that I’ve had on my mind but have had to keep shelving because I wanted to finish my degree and get away from school. I really do appreciate the reminder to make time for those things and to not be afraid to pursue them. My dreams and aspirations are still important, even if they aren’t necessarily related to a degree or anything like that. 

Thank you so much for the reading Sega, that was really helpful and definitely put a few things into perspective for me. I appreciate you and just you making every space you enter that much brighter! I hope you have a fantastic 2023!

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garnet - ignite your passion

i beat you up gently before giving you your reading. SO, it appears that your 2022 was spent a little.. i wouldn't say loosely, but it feels like you were kind of floating through it a lot without any real direction. i feel like this lack of direction has made you feel a bit insecure about yourself? there seems to be a fair portion of sadness in your energetic field, the kind that feels lost and lonely. you know you have friends, have things you like, but it kind of feels like you feel like you're still missing something. for 2023, it might be good to find your passions again and get into them. find the things you like doing and focus on enjoying them for yourself rather than making some sort of profit from them. this can be drawing, writing, cleaning, cooking, playing games, learning a language, celebrating holidays religiously dsoghgs etc; whatever you find makes you feel productive with yourself and gives you a sense of identity and belonging. there's tons of things to explore, so don't limit yourself to a little box! find those things that make you happy! 

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🫣 IM SHY but if you wouldn’t mind I’d love a reading!!! Good luck with your endeavors this year!


rose quartz- open up your heart (ALSO NO NEED TO BE SHY!!)

fun fact, i used hachi to grab your energy better. but! so, your 2022 to me doesn't feel insanely unstable, but there does seem to be some dark, looming clouds that have thunder that isn't the good thunder. you have a lot of little punctures in your energetic field and they're very sad and very heavy. majority of them feel like past events, things people have said or done that have popped a hole in your sense of being; but some of them feel like self-put downs and shame. 2023 is a good year to start opening yourself up to yourself. i think its time to nurse some of those punctures and try to essentially see them for what they are. past events that hurt, though cannot continue to hurt you. when we're young and we have someone call us stupid, we tend to carry that title on for a lot longer than we need. someone made a hurtful comment, but does a hurtful comment have the right to define us as we are to ourselves? this is a fairly hard process, i think it's something many struggle with, but it's something to think about.

when you feel like being hard on yourself, try to forgive yourself. if you were already hard on yourself, acknowledge it and try to forgive yourself then. maybe you messed up somewhere. or maybe something didn't turn out how you wanted it to. the inner perfectionist will, no doubt, leap onto the chance to remind you of hurtful things, but its up to you to refuse to indulge. 

love yourself! even if it feels weird. it's okay to tell yourself you did good. 

HELP loof and i had a conversation about this today cuz i was having a Moment™, i will keep this in mind and hopefully one day it will stick ;-; ty for taking the time!!!!!!!!!!

Happy new year Sega!!! I would love a look into my new year from you, I did one last night myself, but a second opinion is always great <3


epidote - go deeper

HELLO LOOF, i hope our readings run alongside each other! for this one, once i drew it, i started to sort of sense a barrier? you're very good at hiding and veiling yourself and your emotions from everyone. i get this sensation that you.. almost like, don't want to burden others with them and don't like to expose the deeper side of yourself to anyone, including yourself. 2023 is the year to begin to get into that. there feels like there's a sharp bitterness somewhere in you, i'm not sure what it's from exactly, but it's peeking just slightly out from the barrier you have up and it's very hot. i think now is the year to reflect upon your growth, your childhood, things and people that hurt you and begin to nurture any little flare of bitterness that may be festering. it also feels like a really good time to find out who you are. what are your morals? what are your values? what do you want from the next year? what do you want to let go?

ask yourself a question every day, or every week if that's easier that helps you sort of settle into yourself. the energy feels really busy and fast around you and i dont think you really get much time to marvel over who you are. hopefully this makes sense! 

exciting!!! :-D very psyched to see some new writing. and head over heels! so awesome!

i would also love a reading :-] happy new year!


hematite- ground yourself

so it looks like this year you need to really figure out how to balance yourself in healthy ways? immediately i got some senses of like.. bad coping skills, specifically geared to overuse of influences. i can't tell if it's drugs or alcohol, but if you're thinking of using those to stabilize yourself or have been, it might be time to set them to the side a little and find a different approach. your head also feels like it's been in the clouds for a good portion of 2022. there's a lot of stressors that are weighing in on you and it feels like you've almost like.. taken a step out of your body to ground yourself and manage how overwhelming some of these changes in your life are. i think you have an interest in meditation and the idea of balance and harmony, as well as the craft itself- and i think this year might be time to explore more of those interests and try to find a way to ground yourself into them! there's a million ways to ground yourself and i am definitely feeling some neglect to your creative outlets, which might help ground you the best!

embrace these things this year! make room for YOU. 

awesome! thank you, sega, this actually really resonated with me in a way i Was Not expecting.. Like..... Having me sitting here go like Damn... Recontemplating everything. u really got my ass through the screen. this is great; i do def have some negative coping strategies i've gotta work on especially when im put in situations where like.. maybe i did some shitty things! i dont respond well to stress or how i perceive rejection. so i will go forward into this year putting myself forward..

this is also true! i love meditation, ive always tried to incorporate mindfulness into my day to day routine but i never rly have the time for it. working out used to be a huge way to keep myself centered and mindful (partially bc whenever im doing cardio im trying not to think about the fact that i am in fact doing cardio so i start Introflecting. as it were). so that's something i definitely need to get back into

u did not ask for any of this. but thanks so much for this! you rock! have a great 2023 :'D

idsgdosgh im glad it did!! negative coping mechanisms are hard.. i had (and still have) several myself. but! there are ways to find better ones. i think the meditation factor might help you find what those better coping mechanisms are and what makes you feel a bit happier/more balanced with yourself and the world around you. ALL IN ALL THO, I HOPE ur 2023 is good and i hope that you have a good year that makes you happy!

JELLO WOAHOAWHOHWOA this this means i get to see more of RUSH??? yippee!!!

i'd like a reading too if that's cool :3c


angel aura quartz - lighten up (this is honestly such a beautiful crystal)

SO! it looks like for your 2023, you need to keep a little hold on the 'lighter' things in life whenever you feel down. it almost seems like.. whenever you have something negative happen to you, you forget the positives around you and sometimes shy away from them. now, while this card isn't saying there's anything inherently bad that's going to happen- as we know, life has ups and downs and there will be days where you wake up and think, 'man fuck this day'. angel aura quartz wants you to take those days (however many there may or may not be) and find something good within them. don't let yourself fall too harshly into hopeless way of thinking. make a little positivity journal for yourself, give yourself a treat sometimes, and when you feel worried about the future, know that you've got this! it's stressful sometimes, but there's always something fair in it.

what. thats so cool. HONESTLY pretty accurate good read good read

i'm a bit curious on how these are done! (forgive my simpleton question ahaha) like do you randomly draw a rock and then pick out what you find most relevant about its attributes, or do you pick the rocks yourself based on what you think might be useful?

so, i have a deck for this! it's like a tarot deck, but it's got rocks instead.

here's a link to it sdgoadsghsdg. they have a picture of the rock and a quick message there about it. i'm sure if you happened to get this crystal for yourself it'd probably be useful to you, though! i'll sometimes do readings with this deck to see what crystals might help someone's life a bit, but not super often dgsoaghdasg. 

that is cool ! ! ! very thanks unfortunately only flies are falling out of my wallet so i will have to resort to looking at cool rock pics and inspirational quotes on google dot com. thank you anyhow!

Happy new year! I'm looking forward to finally seeing your lads in their game   I'd also be interested in a reading if it's okay   


aragonite - release your emotional baggage

so! it looks like this year, a lot of your focus should go to releasing some of that emotional baggage you have tied to you. you're a pretty private person, but it seems like you're having a bit of a time recently where you're just kind of.. i wouldn't say completely bogged down, but falling into a little bit of cynicism. there's a lot of very wired energy around you i feel, and by wired i mean like piano strings. everything is tight and tense and there's a good handful that you want to say but you're almost not sure how, it seems. 

let yourself reach out to others and let yourself drop some of the weight that you're carrying. it really feels like you're at a point in your life right now where you're concerned about age and it feels like you're nervous about it/feel like you haven't done enough, you're comparing yourself to others and the world feels as if it's pointing in at you almost. aragonite kind of looks like an explosion; and we can either explode like a bomb or we can explode like a star. that analogy is weird, but i hope it makes sense.

Ohh, that's really on point with issues I've been having with work, very scarily accurate :0c This was very interesting, thank you!