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angel aura quartz - lighten up (this is honestly such a beautiful crystal)

SO! it looks like for your 2023, you need to keep a little hold on the 'lighter' things in life whenever you feel down. it almost seems like.. whenever you have something negative happen to you, you forget the positives around you and sometimes shy away from them. now, while this card isn't saying there's anything inherently bad that's going to happen- as we know, life has ups and downs and there will be days where you wake up and think, 'man fuck this day'. angel aura quartz wants you to take those days (however many there may or may not be) and find something good within them. don't let yourself fall too harshly into hopeless way of thinking. make a little positivity journal for yourself, give yourself a treat sometimes, and when you feel worried about the future, know that you've got this! it's stressful sometimes, but there's always something fair in it.

what. thats so cool. HONESTLY pretty accurate good read good read

i'm a bit curious on how these are done! (forgive my simpleton question ahaha) like do you randomly draw a rock and then pick out what you find most relevant about its attributes, or do you pick the rocks yourself based on what you think might be useful?

so, i have a deck for this! it's like a tarot deck, but it's got rocks instead.

here's a link to it sdgoadsghsdg. they have a picture of the rock and a quick message there about it. i'm sure if you happened to get this crystal for yourself it'd probably be useful to you, though! i'll sometimes do readings with this deck to see what crystals might help someone's life a bit, but not super often dgsoaghdasg. 

that is cool ! ! ! very thanks unfortunately only flies are falling out of my wallet so i will have to resort to looking at cool rock pics and inspirational quotes on google dot com. thank you anyhow!