Comments on New Year Update + Oracle Readings All Comments

i am a little late bc i completely forgot to actually comment BUT!! happy new year!!!

both of those sound so neat, i can't wait 👀 i will be cheering you on with all i've got!!
aaand also, no worries at all if there's too much to get to already or anything at all, but i'd be very interested in a reading too otherwise! that's so cool oml


aquamarine - go with the flow 

WELL! you have quite some electric energy around you. 2022 seems like you did a lot of getting stuck in metaphorical whirlpools that left you feeling battered and broken. i feel like we could highlight the year, but it's probably best to get into a note to keep in mind for your 2023, since you seem a little bit like you're in the middle of a seesaw right now and slightly emotional. this year is a good year to practice going with the flow and not falling into fighting the current. which is, honestly, probably not what you want to hear at all LMFAO. i think you've probably been told this in your life before and maybe didn't quite get it and nobody really paused to tell you exactly how to accomplish it when you're upset and feeling unwell. there are many ways to go about it, but one that might be good for you is to adopt a sort of, 'i am unhappy and feeling negative about this, but tomorrow is a different, new day' mindset. if you find that maybe you're having a bad day, realize that you are and that you don't feel the best and accept that, go with the flow and take care of what you can manage to take care of. when we're stuck in rapid waves, we can either attempt to disconnect from it and swim to the side towards land, or we can let it take us where the stream will grow calmer and maintain our heads above the water. how do you maintain your own head above the water? what things can you do in negative situations that will keep your sanity? 

this was REALLY interesting!!! the 2022 bit sounds just about right i'd say lmao

anyway, i'm gonna be analyzing this a whole lot 👀 bc wow!! in a way, i've always felt like i tend to embrace the flow more than anything, but considering it's oftentimes a more wallowing in the flow of the negative kind of way, and sometimes being even thrown off for a bit when the feeling moves on to something more chill anyway, i doubt it's really in the right way exactly LOL. so that mindset really sounds like something to work on haha. i think i tend to take it more as the end of the world and kind of just drown until it's passed, which is... not the best usually
can't believe how relevant this stuff is, in general and presently even!

i'll be very eagerly making note of all of it, and thank you so so much, goddamn!! you're always such a great presence to have around, and then you go and do all this on top of that! 😭 i really hope 2023 is kind to you and ends up a good year for you too!!