Comments on New Year Update + Oracle Readings All Comments

Hellooo and happy new year! The new bios and Web version of head over heels sound so exciting, I can't wait to read 👀

(Also if you still have time and aren't too drained I'd be curious about a reading o:) 

Either way, all the best to you, I hope 2023 treats you kindly. 💛


agate - get back into balance

i am so sorry i am so late, confused! my week got busy and i just could not ground myself to get your reading! i am here now, though! and you got agate! a really interesting stone, honestly. it's got so many layers (not like onions lmfao) and looks really pretty in blue. anyway! your 2022 feels like it was kind of.. hectic? i don't think it was insanely hellish, but it does feel like it was hectic, especially in the mind. i think you might have fallen off the wagon with the path you wanted to go somewhere and it looks like 2023 is a good time to start getting into balance. i'm getting the sensation that you were hurt somewhere and since then, you've kind of shelled up and you're too worried about your feelings to let yourself feel new things. i think there's a lot you want to do and try to do, but you're kind of off on this little cloud by yourself, keeping away. 

this is the year to start recognizing these things and embracing the happier version of yourself that you reflect on. what did you do in those times? why is it okay to let painful times go? if you've ever done grounding meditation, i suggest that and if you haven't, i still suggest it hsgiadshg! it might be good to bringing yourself back down. 

Oml, no worries!! You really didn't have to, I mean, I was late and it was very generous of you to even offer! Thank you so much for still doing this D: I hope you got some time to rest after your busy week? 

(I love me some onions xD) But really, that is... scarily accurate. Like half of 2022 felt like I was stuck in survival mode lmao so there was indeed not a lot of movement.
thank you for this, really. You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking the time to do this. It's been a wild few days and this was strangely comforting.
Also I never tried grounding meditation, I don't think I ever heard of it before but I will look into it!Â