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selenite - clear the clutter

so! i think your 2022 was pretty even, i'm not getting extreme vibes from you. i do feel like you obtained a lot, be it knowledge, material items, friendships, etc, and it might be a little overwhelming. 2023 is starting to feel like its picking up in changes for you, and the things that are physically around you seem kind of.. boxed in, almost? it looks like this year is a time to clear out the clutter in your life and make everything fresh. if you've been wondering whether or not you should clean out your house, websites, and self; then now is the time. if you have also been wondering whether or not you should allow yourself to be the inner person you want to be, now is also the time. clearing the clutter helps us get rid of things we no longer need or no longer server us. i'm getting a lot of 'aesthetic change' sensations from you and if you've been eyeing a new style for yourself, clear the old out and bring in the new! 

oh my goodness sorry for not replying for 4 days!! we've been thinking this over and while it's good advice, we can't really see how it would fit our current life situation aside from just... cleaning our room? this doesn't feel accurate and we're really sorry!! we think it's because we've been very switchy and multiple lately - it would make sense that you'd get a confusing reading from that :0 so it's not you, it's us!!