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hello!! thankyou for the fave!! :o your art is so cute!! would you be willing to art trade with me? :D

EDIT: WOAH I JUST SAW YOUR ANIMATIONS! THEYRE SO SMOOTH!! when theyre open id love to do an animation trade too!! :o

hi!!! thank you so much for the compliments and both are open! i would be happy to do an art/animation trade with you! ^^

ahh yay! could we do one of each? :o what kind of art/animation would you like to do? ^^ 

Yeah of course! I could do a fully rendered peice and a tweened mixed with frame by frame animation!

fully rendered as in a scene? if so ok! ^^ i can do that too! do you have any examples of what you mean by the mix? (so i know what to do aswell so its a fair trade!!) also do you have any specifics on what you cant/wont draw in a character? and anything youd enjoy drawing more? ^^

Yeah! And the mix is like certain parts of the character will be in fbf while some will be tweened! Thats kind of an example i could do tails, fur, ears for frame by frame. And i can only really draw cats, dogs, and humans. I can draw basically any outfit and accessories! :D

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