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OMGGGG YES!!! I saw your jolly on the masterlist a while ago and i was so excited to see another Lord Huron fan!!  i love your jolly's design!!

Tysm! I had a really great designer for them so I’m happy for that haha. I think I’d seen yours before but didn’t realize until a little bit ago that they were based on the song and went “wait omg! I know that one!” Gotta be my top music artist and it’s a shame not that many folks know a lot about them.

AHAHA YESSS i'm so glad someone finally noticed that hehe :D

and same here!!  i've been trying to introduce all my friends to them lol.  i actually went and saw them live last year w a friend, they were amazingggg

Ooooh that’s super cool! I may see if I can go with my housemate or something; she seemed pretty game last I checked. One of the few concerts my easily sensory overloaded self would consider going to I think.

oh honestly my experience with seeing them it was still pretty....concert-like, as far as i know (i dont go to concerts a lot but...) it could be easy to get sensory overload from it anyway unfortunately (which surprised me, i expected the experience to be far more mellow given their music style, but yeah).  it was still so amazing and i loved it, but just a heads up that its not QUITE as chill as you might expect.  i do hope you're able to though!!

Thank you for the heads up! Will definitely keep that in mind

(Holy heck didn’t mean for this to get buried so far)