Comments on Chiasa All Comments


Apologies about the ping, but am I still able to make a submission for her? The design is out of this world, and I would be so honored to make a complex submission for her! ^^

EDIT: Finished the submission! <333

First of all, let me provide a layout for you of what my actual submission will look like.

Trigger warnings will always come first. My submissions may discuss sensitive topics that some readers may find disturbing. Unfortunately, not everything is going to be kittens and rainbows, as even fictional lives have emotional distress and traumatizing events.

What follows is the beginning of my submission, which goes into deep detail of the character, as well as notable traits. Lore follows shortly after, containing several headings based on important events that shape this specific character.

If they are going to be a main team member, I will go over their elements and some of their moveset.

After this, I will dive into the relationships this character has with other people. This is to show the connections that they have or will have gained. That, and to provide another piece of solid evidence that they will genuinely be used and cared for, to show they are embedded into something big that I'm working on with a loving team. ^^

The final part of my submission will include the mysteries surrounding the character that will be revealed in the RPG. However, if you wish to hear the answers behind some unanswered questions, let me know in PMs which ones you want me to let you in on. 

My submission will end there, but I will sometimes conclude my message with my personal notes on the character. This will be the time that I would give my opinions and desires, such as "I'll use them as a persona!" Or "I'll love them so much!" They always come at the end, just so my personal notes aren't the submission itself.

Now with that out of the way, let us dive into the submission for…Chiasa.

WARNING! This topic contains sensitive topics that may be considered disturbing to some users. These topics include: Genocide, PTSD, implications toward depression, implications towards the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Viewer discretion is advised.

Chiasa is a main figure of the RPG's final ark lore. She is nicknamed "The Final Fox," for reasons I will soon get into. She is portrayed as soft on the outside, but not afraid to assert superiority on the inside. However, if she is unable to assert dominance, she will go back to being soft and helpless. Most of Chiasa's submission ties deeply into another character I made a submission for, and won. This time, it will be taking a glance at the fox's perspective of the final ark.

It's the Law!

Very short section for now, but this is mainly to provide context for the sections to come.

During the beginning of time, a being named Mother Nature arose, creating the vibrant scenery that is rare to come across nowadays. Then, she created wildlife, and with that, she created a set of laws for each creature to uphold. One such law that was never changed was:

"By no means are foxes and wolves allowed to coexist on positive terms. Their only purpose is to be predator and prey."

Marked as Prey

Chiasa was born into an upper class family of foxes known as the Regals. Unlike other classes, their duty is to be more of the brains behind their operations, rather than the working class, who serve as thieves. However, the Regals are very cultured, taking part in Japanese traditions. This gave Chiasa a better look toward the rest of the fox population.

Chiasa's ancestry was filled with marking territory away from the wolves, all the while fortifying their defenses so that homes could be more protected in case of a wolf attack.

They also believe in the Amaterasu, in which they believe is a nine-tailed fox who will liberate the foxes and seal the wolves into darkness. However, rumor has spread that the Ōkami clan wolves believe in the Amaterasu as well, depicting her as a wolf just like them who will prevail over her prey and keep the wolves in natural power for eternity. This has caused more than one feud on who the Amaterasu really is.

However, her parents made her clear on one specific subject: Despite Chiasa's status, she was prey, and she always will be prey. This is why her parents can be classified as overprotective of their daughter: Because she was the only child that will be able to inherit their position as Alpha of the Regals.


Due to the beauty that Chiasa had emitted to all fox kind, she has gained several followers that all want her to love them. However, their mating calls weren't something Chiasa had in mind. Some included: Suggestive growling, body pillows of Chiasa, and even stealing for her. However, she brushed all of these aside, not understanding why guys will do anything to get their paws on a girl like her. Heck, all they need to do is be direct, that bravery alone is what she admires about guys.

Becoming Independent

One day, Chiasa's parents oversaw a wolf attack by the Ōkami clan, attacking innocent villagers. After the Foxtrot guards fend the wolves off, Chiasa is asked by her parents to get some fruit for the hurt villagers, since they are unable to get food on their own. Chiasa heads out with a wheelbarrow, collecting edible berries and fruit off the trees.

It is then that she saw a wolf trying to eat the remaining berries, as his stomach growled. Chiasa, raised to believe all wolves are evil, scoffed and went the other direction, as the wolf looked up and saw the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen. The wolf tried to introduce himself, but Chiasa was already gone.

Her parents congratulated her on her abundance of food that she was able to bring back, distributing it all to the hurt citizens.

Her grandparents blessed her with the arts of fighting, in case she needed to defend herself from any vicious wolf, to which she had been training on a poor dummy with.

It was one day, when she was asked to plan the coordinates of a fox counter strike, that changed everything in her life…

The Wolf Who Cried "Love"

(This section is tied into another submission I made for Juniper Lee/Mother Nature due to its relevance.)

The young wolf (anthro) who regarded Chiasa as beautiful was born to a pack of fierce brutes and a dictator-like Alpha. He was named Brother 8 (in which he changes later on). In the Alpha's rule, only the fiercest are able to mate with her and have her cubs. The other brothers shall die as failures. Brother 8 personally didn't want to hurt the poor animals that he was forced to eat, so he resorted to eating berries, letting figures like deer and hares go.

After seeing Chiasa's face, he wanted to find her again, believing she could save him from the Alpha's oppressive rule, and run away with her. He made it his goal to find her again, with the sole purpose of liberation in mind…However, he didn't have to look long, finding her again while she was preparing for the counter strike…

The Legend Decrees…

This is where we get to the present of the RPG, when the final ark is about to begin. Father Time usually decrees a legend regarding the new main threat and how it came to be. As the final ark begins, Father Time decrees…

This is a legend of nature, this is a legend of the wildlife, this is a legend of what could possibly be…the overthrowing of mankind.

At the beginning of time, when I was a wee little boy, Mother Nature appeared and brought what came to be the lovely sights of forests, trees, various biomes, nature itself.

With nature, came the laws of nature, which Mother's critters obeyed.

Two species specifically contribute to what could lead to a catastrophe: Foxes and wolves. Two vicious enemies. Two animals always at each other's throats.

Playing with the hearts of others, the maiden shoves the man aside. But who knew, that that one move could cause such cataclysmic damage?

The man forms the P.A.C.T. out of violent, blind rage and heartbreak. With the P.A.C.T. formed, a species now lies in jeopardy.

Its most notable members, the Lieutenant, the Phantom, the Dealer, and the Director are all dangerous in their own way. However, they stand no chance against the man, who now goes by the Narrator.

However, this threat can be ultimately prevented, as three people unite at the Beacon of Hope, centered around the Shrine of Light.

  • The Lost Lover,
  • The Beloved Demigoddess,
  • And the Valiant Hero.

Together, their power combined shall disband the P.A.C.T. However…they will have one final choice to make: Destroy all lawful order, or destroy the wretched villain. It may seem simple at first, but the true Valiant Hero shall recognize its meaning before choosing so poorly…

It then cuts to a silhouetted wolf, and a silhouetted female figure, which looked like Chiasa.

"I've figured out the truth! We don't need to hate each other for who we are, there is still a chance that we can be together! To prove that we have evolved! Please be with me, I beg of you, and destroy the chains that hold back our society from realizing our true potential!" the wolf said, at the verge of tears.

The woman sheds a tear, knowing he badly wants her love, but still too fitted to her customs to accept him.

"You try so hard for a futile purpose…You know I could never accept a wolf into my life, that is what we are bound by, and it shall stay that way forever."

The woman walks off, as the wolf collapses to the ground. The legend ends here.

Turning the Other Cheek

One of the main team members, Aqua, spots Chiasa by the water, where Aqua's home is.

"Babygirl, what's got you so down in the dumps?" Aqua asked.

"He…He killed EVERYONE! Everyone I loved, he committed genocide on my kind, and he even threatened to 'bomb my town just like his kind bombed Neo Tokyo several years ago!'" He killed my parents- Right in front of me…Because he thought that by getting rid of them, that there would be no one to tell me that we can't be together…" Chiasa's eyes were bloodshot from how much she had been crying.

"Honey, I know how much that sucks, and I know how much trauma that put you through. But what may have caused that to happen?" Aqua sat down with her.

"Foxes and wolves can never be together, but he badly wants to be 'set free!'"

"Says who?"

"Says my culture!"

"And how did your culture bring that up?"

"…" Aqua was right. Who even controlled that their species could never be together? Why has she never seen a happy wolf and fox?

"Honey, I may know how to end all this chaos, but you may not like what I have in mind."


"You gotta turn the other cheek and show him your true feelings."

"True feelings? I want to beat the shit out of him for thinking what he's doing is right!"

"Trust me, if you do so, it could prevent a LOT more damage. Here's all you have to do, babygirl…"

She then went on to whisper something to Chiasa, to which Chiasa scooted away, shocked.


"It's either that, or all of fox kind, and possibly all of mankind, is doomed."

"It's my decision, anyway, why bring everyone else into this?"

She ran off back into the trees, her fate remains unknown.

For the Sake of Fox Kind

She soon realizes the seriousness of the situation when she sees her hometown in shambles, with the Lieutenant giggling as she sees the horrific mess.

"You've met quite a terrible fate, haven't you?"

"Because of people like you…my people are in danger…because of you, my parents are dead! Because of you, my town is DESTROYED!"

She stomps the Lieutenant's face into the ground, causing her to hook kick her off and flee.

During the main team's fight with the Lieutenant, when they realize that the Lieutenant's desires and power are too strong, they're about to succumb to their injuries, to which Chiasa's theme starts playing, and she uses her claws to slice her in half, dealing the last amount of HP. She slowly builds confidence from this time forward to be known as "The Final Fox." Although she isn't actually the last fox on Earth, her importance and leadership has made her a prominent figure in the media.

In a spirit channeling message to Chiasa, the medium tells her that her parents are proud of what she has become.

Chiasa is frequently seen in the background fending off P.A.C.T. wolves, as the remaining foxes cheer for her. Chiasa has assigned the remaining males and females that remained to breed as much as they can in case the Narrator takes their lives as well. That way, the fox population could still repopulate and live on.

However, the climax of the ark was one of the hardest moments for her, until she realized that the Corruption making the wolf into the Narrator was the cause of all his madness. A team member described it as all of his pent up rage incarnate. Her feelings against him were trying to kill him, however, she realized that she could possibly die if she tried that. Then, she remembered back to what Aqua was trying to say…

"You gotta turn the other cheek and show him your true feelings…"

Aqua could see it in her eyes. She sat down with her and started playing the melody to One Love. Each fighting turn in the RPG now weakened the Narrator as Chiasa sang to her heart's content, her true feelings when the wolf was innocent, singing as if she were to a fox.

After the song is over, the Narrator has calmed down, and another team member banishes the Corruption. Chiasa goes over to the wolf and slowly hugs him, apologizing for judging him so harshly because he was a wolf. Despite a lot of damage being his fault, she still puts herself at fault for causing him to act like this. The wolf promises to rebuild Chiasa's village with her, and asks one last question:

"Are we…the first wolf and fox to have such positive feelings for each other..?"

"…Yes. We can definitely be together after all the damage is repaired, that is my promise to you, wolf…"


A voice bellowed out. That wasn't the wolf, neither was it the fox…

An enraged woman's angelic wings are soon set ablaze, as she flies into the air.

"What the hell is happening to Juniper Lee-!?" a team member shouts.

"The punishment for foxes loving wolves is SEVERE. Enemies are to STAY enemies. THAT is what the laws of nature decree!"

"That isn't Juniper Lee…That's-"

"Mother Nature." Aqua slowly replies.

"No way…was THIS the woman who forced wolves and foxes to be enemies forever-!?" Chiasa asks, terrified.

"My God…so it's true…" the wolf weakly states.

"INCOMING!" A member yells, as Mother Nature's fiery wings close in on the new couple.



The Wolf

Chiasa has very complicated feelings for the Wolf. She's forced not to like him because of the laws of nature, but doesn't know about the laws until the very end, due to believing it was just her culture to get married to another handsome fox. She soon despises him due to killing her family and almost all of her kind, but soon realizes that it was the Corruption's doing and takes a hating on that instead. In an act to prevent more catastrophe, she soon declares that she loves the wolf, even if Mother Nature took it as an act of rebellion.


Chiasa's closest friend in the RPG team. Despite being a Regal and Aqua being nothing more than a water channeler, their close bond helps them forget their major difference in status. Chiasa is especially grateful for Aqua when she offers advice on how to beat the Narrator without the use of violence. That, and she just likes how she looks.

The Regal Family

Chiasa holds her family near and dear, since they treated her like royalty, and that they were so protective of her since a young age. Even after their death, she still keeps in touch with them in the afterlife through the means of a spirit medium. After the genocide, she is the only remaining member of the Regals left, to which she hopes to repopulate soon.

The P.A.C.T.

Chiasa despises the P.A.C.T. for destroying her home and committing genocide on her species. This ultimately causes her to temporarily fall into a state of depression, before being convinced by Aqua to regain her confidence. She's soon able to aid the main team in disbanding the P.A.C.T. soon after, especially the Lieutenant, to which Chiasa took great pleasure in killing.

Mother Nature

Chiasa felt that she had been lied to after hearing about Mother Nature. When believing it was only Regal customs not to get friendly with wolves, she didn't realize they were the actual laws of nature. However, Chiasa despises Mother's stereotypical nature towards the wildlife, seeing this as a new time, where enemies can actually coexist in harmony without any quarrels or confrontation.

Mysteries to be Solved in the RPG

  • What powers other than fighting does Chiasa have?
  • Do Chiasa and the Wolf survive Mother Nature's wrath?
  • Will foxes and wolves ever truly get along?
  • What is the power that the Regals have over the working class foxes?


Personal Notes: So sorry about the little delay! I just had some homework to complete, but I'm finished now!

Chiasa really brings out my love for Japanese culture, so I would definitely keep her forever! She would be great to RP with on the side, as well as participating in my RPG. ^^

Thank you so much for all your patience, as we have arrived at the end of the submission. Bless you for everything, I'm hoping for the best, and I wish you a wonderful day. <3

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Hey there, apologies if this is unnecessary, but I'm halfway done with her submission! Mainly saying this to help keep you updated. ^^

While I'm here, are sensitive topics okay with you, as long as a trigger warning is instated? Just want to double check before assuming. ^^

Here are some examples of the effort I'm putting into them! This adorable character means everything to me, and as such, I'm giving it my all for their submission. <3

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Thank you! ^^

Just finished up a gigantic submission for another character as well, so for this wonderful lady, I should be finishing up by Saturday, Sunday at the latest! This will be my final status update before I submit. <3

Finished the submission! The submission is in the original comment! Thank you so much for your patience, and I hope you enjoy! <3