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First of all, let me provide a layout for you of what my actual submission will look like.

Trigger warnings will always come first. My submissions may discuss sensitive topics that some readers may find disturbing. Unfortunately, not everything is going to be kittens and rainbows, as even fictional lives have emotional distress and traumatizing events.

What follows is the beginning of my submission, which goes into deep detail of the character, as well as notable traits. Lore follows shortly after, containing several headings based on important events that shape this specific character.

If they are going to be a main team member, I will go over their elements and some of their moveset.

After this, I will dive into the relationships this character has with other people. This is to show the connections that they have or will have gained. That, and to provide another piece of solid evidence that they will genuinely be used and cared for, to show they are embedded into something big that I'm working on with a loving team. ^^

The final part of my submission will include the mysteries surrounding the character that will be revealed in the RPG. However, if you wish to hear the answers behind some unanswered questions, let me know in PMs which ones you want me to let you in on. 

My submission will end there, but I will sometimes conclude my message with my personal notes on the character. This will be the time that I would give my opinions and desires, such as "I'll use them as a persona!" Or "I'll love them so much!" They always come at the end, just so my personal notes aren't the submission itself.

Now with that out of the way, let us dive into the submission for…Tamashii.

WARNING! This submission contains some content that may be considered disturbing to some viewers. These topics include: Spiritual usage, topics of death and the afterlife, religious themes, mental trauma, gory imagery. Viewer discretion is advised.

Tamashii (also known as "Soul" in Japanese) is: A twist protagonist (you don't usually see those around too much, do you?), a main member of the RPG I am making, and the main protagonist of what I hope to be the kickstarter of writing passion: A book called "Calling Beyond."

Tamashii is usually calm and collected when he is around others. He may sometimes come off as trying to be superior, but that's mainly due to what he bottles up around people. He just doesn't want anyone else to have to worry, because he wants to try and be a leader figure.

This is explored more in the book. However, I'll be explaining his main events in chronological order to make it easier.

The cat seen in his pictures is "Obake" or "Ghost" in Japanese. Before their death,  they were called Mochi.

The Family Connection

Tamashii was raised in a rather wealthy home, and he had one of the healthiest relationships with his parents in the entire series, considering most characters had abusive parents or downright evil.

Tamashii was always interested in making others happy, specifically the strays that lived on the streets by feeding them every day just so they can live happier lives.

One day, after a young Tamashii came home from worshipping his family shrine, his parents gave him his first magatama, which he wore around his neck. This charm was to help protect himself from the evil spirits he would face while he communicated with the dead. That's right: His parents were ready to pass on the tradition to Tamashii, seeing him old enough to start his training in the spiritual arts.

As he trained in the spiritual arts, he had immense difficulty learning 死の光景, or the Sight of Death. This is because in order to awaken this sight, the user has to conjure strong, positive memories with the first person they want to summon. Tamashii's family hasn't had a member that past away, yet. That meant he couldn't really get a connection with the spiritual world until someone past away…


Despite being nine, Tamashii felt a bit smaller than some kids around five years younger than him. Because his family were much busier with their business to channel spirits from the dead for people, he decided he needed a buddy that he could be close to.

That's when Tamashii remembered about the strays: Most of them had gotten the homes they deserved after months and even years of feeding them on the streets, but one specific cat was still there, waiting cheerfully for their daily portions of food from the black cat in their kimono. He finally arrived, but this time after feeding the stray cat, he swaddled them in a blanket and softly said: "Ohayō, Mochi." He already had the name "Mochi" in mind in case the family ever got a pet, but they never did.

Tamashii and Mochi spent the span of 10 years together, before Mochi was soon growing old and frail. And unfortunately for the two of them, this is his ninth life. Tamashii doesn't want to let him go, but he made Mochi's last living moments happy and satisfying. That way…Mochi could be at peace when he passed on to the afterlife.

Just two weeks later, however…He felt an odd sensation. That's when he finally knew: He had awakened it.

An Otherworldly Reunion

Another set of eyes opened above his silver eyes, as he noticed a whirlpool of spirits beyond him. Tamashii slowly approaches the abundance of spirits, putting his paw into it, channeling a deep thought of Mochi. As he took it out, a translucent spirit that looked like a kitten came out, nuzzling Tamashii. This feeling…it felt just like Mochi, but- mainly just a memory of it. As long as he strengthened his training, then it would be easier to hold the precious kitten without it phasing through. He named this form of Mochi "Obake." This was to symbolize how Mochi has moved on, but how Tamashii was able to reconnect with his beloved feline friend again.

A Spook to Remember

As Tamashii was sleeping one Halloween night, a mysterious figure crept into his room. At least…that is what he thought. It actually phased through the walls effortlessly. It made the sound of his sliding door, as Tamashii slowly woke up at the noise. The figure turned into a mangled Mochi, as it slowly dragged itself towards Tamashii. Tamashii was TERRIFIED, as his second set of eyes opened up at this fear. This called Obake, who looked at the figure horrifically. The figure then revealed its true form as the Phantom, preparing to shatter Tamashii's magatama and take his soul. Obake shivered for quite a bit, before forming into a more demonic version of itself.

"You wish to hurt Tamashii-sama? You have another thing coming, intruder…"

A mighty roar from the ghastly Obake caused the Phantom to flee, knowing he can't extract Tamashii's soul with that amount of spiritual power from Obake.

Tamashii was surprised, he never knew his cat could do that! Was he slowly starting to master the spiritual arts of his secondary sight..?

Lucifer's Blackmail Issue

This transitions from the book to the RPG now.

At the end of the first ark, the epilogue shows Tamashii and Obake, with the demonic Obake proud that Tamashii is finally able to keep his Sight of Death open at all times without struggle, thus allowing him to maintain four eyes. His ability to see in the future caused him to be ready when a certain demon king arrived behind him.

"I didn't quite realize how real you were, until you showed up." Tamashii stated without fear.

"Dear child…your family is quite the inconvenience for me. With that, you realize that you too are an inconvenience, yes?" Lucifer states.

"My bond with the dead is considered a blessing to some, a curse to others. However, this is my blessing, and if you plan on trying anything, then do realize that I am one step ahead, Lucifer-san."

"Surely, this must be a jest. A mere feline against the king of all demons, and you have the courage to try and take me on?"

Tamashii turns around, looking him directly in the eye.

"…Unfortunately for you and your cat…I suggest you step forward and work at my side, before a terrible truth shrouds this pathetic world."

"What does this terrible truth have to do with us?"

"Quite a bit, actually: If the world finds out about your power, you and your family shall surely be exiled."

"Don't you bring my family into this!"

"Then surely you won't disappoint them…"

Tamashii reluctantly stepped forward, knowing perfectly well that he couldn't beat the demon king if he tried.

"Excellent, it seems your obedience needs no forced obedience."

The epilogue cuts off there.

Reluctant Obedience and the Cat-Ju

In the second ark, named the Lucifer ark, Tamashii wears a black kimono, and tells the team that he doesn't want to hurt them, but has to. He doesn't disclose why, though. He makes several obstacles, that being of evil spirits that try possessing the team or simply just toying around with the surroundings.

During the pre-climax of the ark, he blocks the entrance to Hell, believing he is ready to fight the team. When they engage in a "mini boss fight," he regrets his decision when the team gets a hit on him, planning on fleeing.

Obake suddenly arrives in their demonic form.

"Are they hurting you, Tamashii-san..?"

"…Yes. Yes they are, Obake-chan."

"Is that SO? Here! I'll lend you my power…THIS should wipe them all out!"

Obake goes inside Tamashii, but doesn't possess him, shocked at what Obake did.

Suddenly…Tamashii starts growing, as he lets out a mighty bellow.

"Holy SHIT- He's HUGE!"

"Is this a result of that ghastly ghost's doing..?" They said, referring to Obake.

Tamashii was hundreds of feet tall, and humongous enough to cause mass destruction. He was as huge as a kaiju! Could he be…some kind of CAT-JU?

A major boss fight ensues between the main team and the Cat-Ju, who soon realize that fighting him only makes him stronger. Tamashii's family soon arrives at the scene, realizing that that was their son. They try a Cleansing Ritual, to no avail. The team has to survive for a few more turns (since it is physically impossible for the team to defeat him), in order for the mother to realize that they have to convince the cat that they're not a threat.

The team then uses their most supportive teammates for this boss, as they hug, console, and care for the Cat-Ju for several turns (considering the first few turns, Obake thinks that this is just a trick).

"Don't let whoever it is control you! You are your own person!"

"We are with you! We love and cherish you! You don't need to cause destruction!"

"You are more than a pawn! You are priceless!"

Soon…Obake leaves Tamashii, as he tears up, knowing that Lucifer is going to exile his family now.

But his family comes over, comforting and supporting him.

"We won't let that happen, Tamashii-san. We will fight the king together. He can't beat all of us!"

After a while of supporting and consoling, he deeply apologizes for his actions, knowing clearly that what he did was wrong, and he only did it to protect his family. To make up for it, he joins the main team.


Tamashii specializes in two elements, that being Fire and Curse. Fire represents his Elemental Training that he mastered at a very young age, and Curse representing his Sight of Death and his connection to the spiritual realm.

He uses more concentrated attacks, as he dislikes attacking brashly and out of nowhere.

Some of his Fire moves include Ember, Fireball Dance, and the Hot Coal Dance (unique to him).

Some of his Curse moves include the Glaring Eye, Scared Straight, Possess, and 死ね! (SHINE!) This means "DIE!" (Unique)

His Ultimate is indeed, the Cat-Ju.



Tamashii's relationship with this cat is as strong as God Almighty. He loves their company, and would devote all of his time into playing with them and making them happy. Even in death, Tamashii cares a lot about his cat, and has been able to awaken and soon master the Sight of Death thanks to Obake.

Tamashii's Family

Tamashii and his family are really close, and are seen to be one of the healthiest family relationships in the entire RPG series. They aided Tamashii in his elemental training until he mastered it, and they were caring and supportive towards Mochi as well when Tamashii took the cute cat in.


Probably the only person that Tamashii could say he despises, due to the trauma and stress he put onto him. He forced Tamashii to do Lucifer's dirty work under the influence that his family would be exiled from glorious Japan if he didn't protect them. After he was defeated in his Cat-Ju form, however, he was no longer afraid, and he was ready to take on the king with all of his family and the team he joined by the end of the ark.

Mysteries to Be Solved

  • How was fire his mastered element?
  • What are the boundaries of the Sight of Death?
  • What are the boundaries of Obake's spiritual power?
  • Does Tamashii secretly know Dark magic..?


Personal Notes: It needs no explanation when I say Tamashii is going to be a fursona. They represent everything about me in every way I could possibly capture it. I also applaud how much work you put into them, as well as your kindness as to allow me to make this submission for them.

If commercial rights come with Tamashii as well, I would be more than happy to begin raising the funds for a fursuit based on him and a cosplay of all his kimonos (His family kimono and dark-side kimono). I will be fully committed to him, especially with what he is capable of. Even when I have a loving team working with me on an RPG, I would love to make the book series happen with him, as a side job for me to kickstart my passion (when I get the opportunity of course, I'm full speed ahead in the RPG as of right now). <3

Once again, I thank you so much for reading my submission. I hope you have a blessed day. ^^

I could also make a piece based on them! <3