Comments on NaNoWriMo, New Worlds, and More! All Comments

Man, that's a tough choice... if I had to pick one I'd probably go with Matt because I'm a sucker for his kind of character tbh, but I'd be equally as excited to see writing about either of them!

I added you on NaNoWriMo; my username there is GreenSweatshirtGal! I'm always excited to see more people participating, especially if they're publicly posting their work anywhere! I also made a NaNoWriMo thread here on Toyhouse since this bulletin reminded me about it, so you might find other people to hang out with and help you pick a story there, too!:

gods yeah matt is my fav type of character ((thats kind of how i made his personality, based on like all of my fave trash character personality types haha)) but thanks dude!

aaaaah yesss thank you!!! haha im glad it reminded you of something ill def pop over there and see what's up! the profi writing part of it sounds really interesting!