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hello!! mine gliched, and... idk what happen im vary scare about it becouse, all ocs of mine that have your perfile code get like this, and the music dont show up :,( im so sad, can you try help me and tell what i did rong?

stay like this--- in all ocs :/ idk what do... and i dont want do it all again61563650_KglnH3d0LB71nRT.png

looks like WYSIWYG is at play, which will break coding layouts just like that

i usually recommend restarting the entire code with code editor ON/circlejourney; you can try putting the broken code in a HTML beautifier to try and regain some form of layout but it won't be the same!

Tysm!!!! I don't know how but I managed to fix the music! it was just getting half the code from another already whole code! ^^ if it happens again I'll write down what to do! thank you very much:3

no worries!!  glad you figured it out! :Dc