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Uh no. I literally deleted the art because I don’t want it anymore. I don’t care about getting free art. You shouldn’t have drawn my character without even asking me which one I wanted to get a drawing of, that’s not how trades work. 

I did but the message didnt send! Also I tried but I couldnt answer so I decided to just draw it, I  cant see the problem, and it wasted my time so I think I deserve something in exchange for the hours I spent drawing it... :/

I already told you you could pick another one. It isn’t my fault if you sent a message and it never went through. You never said if you even wanted to do art or a trade so how would I have known? I’m sorry this happened, there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m sorry you drew it for me, I’ll give you two characters if you want. 

its ok, I know it isnt your fault but I couldnt know that the page refreshed or smth so the message was deleted:(

Again, I’m really sorry. I’m so sorry your message got deleted or didn’t send. Would you like to pick another one out instead? 

yes,thanks. I like Kamiya and Damien, can I get some of these? If they are avaibable ,you can give me the one ya want.

7 Replies