Comments on ...Practicing my language skills. All Comments

Hey, sounds fun. If you think you can get a read on me, have at it. But you gotta tell me how it works after, right? None of that "magician's secret" business.

I'll do my best to explain how it works, if you're truly interested! Overall -- becoming a Speaker isn't exactly easy, but it's essentially about training yourself to hear and feel the world around you in - incredibly specific ways. Ones that one wouldn't normally really think to dwell -- Oh. I got ahead of myself. You said 'after'...

[He clears his throat.]

Let's see, let me get a good look at you...

Huh... Interesting. Bet that's a useful skill to have in the day-to-day.

[Sounds pretty mundane, but Vian's not going to dismiss the elf as another wannabe cold-reader quite yet. He stands still and watches Aesaelion steadily, waiting for... Whatever it is he's doing to be finished.]