Greetings...! My name is Aesaelion, and I am a practicing 'Speaker,' as it's known. It's a delicate craft, and relies heavily on first hand experience - to, to put it.. extremely simply, by taking a close look at someone, I am able to see the key ideas from which their 'self' is drawn.

..Ah, I, I understand this all sounds strange... but I'm told hearing the words of your being spoken in this way, whether you understand them or not, can be an affirming experience. Soothing, even. And if I read you wrong, you won't feel anything.

Would anyone be willing for me to, hmm... evaluate them, so to speak?


Hey, sounds fun. If you think you can get a read on me, have at it. But you gotta tell me how it works after, right? None of that "magician's secret" business.

I'll do my best to explain how it works, if you're truly interested! Overall -- becoming a Speaker isn't exactly easy, but it's essentially about training yourself to hear and feel the world around you in - incredibly specific ways. Ones that one wouldn't normally really think to dwell -- Oh. I got ahead of myself. You said 'after'...

[He clears his throat.]

Let's see, let me get a good look at you...

Huh... Interesting. Bet that's a useful skill to have in the day-to-day.

[Sounds pretty mundane, but Vian's not going to dismiss the elf as another wannabe cold-reader quite yet. He stands still and watches Aesaelion steadily, waiting for... Whatever it is he's doing to be finished.]

Ah... fascinating, I would love to see how these interpretations differ from my own. I'm afraid that there might not be much to say for myself... you may try, if you wish. Either way, I'll observe your evaluations, if you don't mind...

Eheh, I've got a pretty poor sense of self so I think this could help!

Sure! I'd love to be evaluated!

Oh my...yes, I would like to be evaluated. This sounds very interesting, my goodness!

Then so you will be!

Hmm.. You're a magician, aren't you? And one with an intriguing combination of specialties... It leaves a mark upon you. 6cBhfWU.png -- ah, I'd ask your help for something, if only I wasn't rather resistant to magic, in general.

[Hearing the syllable felt like the thrill of a dark magic spell and the comfort of being healed in one split-moment.]

What is it? Perhaps we could work out a solution here. I'd have to see the exact nature of the problem, but maybe I could help? If only slightly...

Sure, got nothin' better to do today. You're gonna get a kick out of this.

I will, will I? Alright. Let's have a look-see--

--Oh! Goodness. You're not wrong. What stands out immediately is... cyseYrS.png. [Whatever the hell it was he just said - the sound's VERY synaesthetic, the sigil's enunciation playing out like the impulse to trace it in the air, or a fading red afterimage on the backs of one's eyelids.]

Give me a few moments longer. It's a little hard to look past... that.

'S neat, the sigil deal. Gonna make my eyes water here, though. Hah.

Got a couple ideas, but what's it mean exactly?

I'll try to say the rest more... softly.

That particular syllable is a powerful one - in this language, I think the closest word to it in my head is.. 'persisting.' I've seen it before, but never on a person - and especially never - well, if you don't mind my saying, it's clearly not a part of your original... string. But it's in there but good now. The change is, uh, sturdy.

A persistent object? Sounds about right, ha ha.

Might not be referring to me exactly, I guess. Might could be the thing that got tacked on?

...Honestly, I could go on for a while.. you've led a storied life! And, technically, if I keep on peering and peering, I could give you an exact syllable for everything from the shade of your hair to the grip strength of the index finger of your left hand. Especially if it's one I've seen before. I'll try to focus on what's most - novel.

R3yYJgP.png, for instance I've never seen before! For starters, it's clearly integral, but it's - smudged. Doubled over. Like two very similar things collided, and had to inhabit the same space.

[It definitely felt.. echoey. And familiar, in an old, nostalgic way.]

Feels like the songs he used to sing at night... it sounded like German, or I guess German sounded like it.

...Heh, don't mind me. You've gotten me goin' on. [There somethin' in your eyes, Jodie?]