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How can I change the color of the tabs? (I know how to change the overall color of them, but when you hover/click them, it turns into this tannish/brownish color? is there a way to change/remove that? :0)

unfortunately, you can't set custom colours to hovers unless you have access to CSS/Toyhouse premium!  if not, it's from your Site Theme!

you can kinda work around it through mix-blend-mode:luminosity (see this code; here's more blend mode options) but the red text will be affected too... though i found that color-dodge might look nice and legible!

if that's alright, you can simply add it to the <a> tag!

<a href="#one" data-toggle="tab" class="active btn btn-outline-secondary text-uppercase w-100 rounded-0 border-0"
        style="letter-spacing:2.5px; border-top-left-radius:10px; color:red; mix-blend-mode:color-dodge;">


Oh I just realized you can't click on the tabs, how do I fix that? (IM SO SORRY WAHHH) (I did some more testing, and they just wont react when i click on them??)

So I got the two tabs to work, but when I try to fix the other one it just brakes the other 2 tabs? :0 (IM so sorry for spamming you!)

oh sorry for the confusion but you were only meant to add the mix-blend-mode: color-dodge to all three tabs !!

the coding i just gave you was for the first tab only ^^;  you can delete the active show from the second tab (and the border-radius too if that bothers you)

see if that's better?