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AGREED. Coding is so damn intimidating when you start as a beginner, but so interesting, once you actually start to read resources and find cool features and start imaging possible self-made codes! (I've lately been woo'd by masking via CSS-HTML mix in or profile-borders on images. So much potential on border-code that I've yet to learn!) c:

OOO!! Thank you for your helpful favs!! The difficulty in those tutorials, is knowing, when to use what. I barely understand, what the hell they're doing, because their explanations are usually like-- intermediate level or way above or too below my already low braincell count xD. I may have gotten to that level nowadays, dare I claim, a bit in arrogance (I've been coding since late 2019, so I have now 3 years of experience making TH codes for this specific site, specifically chara bios and started dabbling in world code,,), so I only understand them now, but now is a little late, as I taught myself quite a bit via trial- and error, by testing the code on my phone, using chrome's built in emulator and switching to the actual TH site. TH code editors have a bit of inaccuracies like accordeon-tabs and block buttons for example. (I use CircleJourney's, though and exist too, I recently found those. I wish I could make my codes compatible, but the system confuses me so far LOL).

I just hope, that you understand what the tutorials are even saying. They can be so confusing sometimes, imho. But I am known to be very dense IRL, so makes sense why I, personally, don't understand them well. I just hope they help users! xD

And I recommend looking into flexbox utilities, to start with mobile stuff, as that usually is the first thing to break once you try to convert PC code!! (I used to make PC code first, then convert it into mobile-friendly versions, nowadays, I keep both in mind at the same time, that way, less errors happen, by considering all screen-sizes. And even if, you can use col-lg, col-md, col-sm, to make sure, the code properly adjusts! I learned from that mistake early on the hard way..So many hours of coding down the drain on a broken and clunky code x);:  )  They're mostly responsible, for mobile alignment of text and containers in the first place, without using padding. Padding specifics are adjustable with p[x/y] or m[x/y], but I'm aware, that you're aware of such, I'm glad to see my favourite variables hiding in ur code. x)

Making codes for computers is so damn easy, in comparison to mobile or tablet..It's honestly so difficult to get it right, so I respect you making code at all, in general. 

If there's something perhaps, I can inform you about, you're unsure of, let me know! If I can help in any way, I'd be glad to! People in general, can reach out any time, if they require my help,, after all, the more people work together on things, the more experience AND finished/polished projects they get! Every good show and movie have a tonnn of credits, that last up to 10 mins. So having people work solo is really rough, since to a certain degree, people always expect perfection and such. I consider you hella brave for posting code and admitting it could be flawed on some spots (where honestly, on PC it works flawlessly on chromium, you did a fantastic job!) :D

Ooo that's a helpful link. I'll look through it. Thanks! And thanks for all the compliments on the code too lol. This was the first code (and only so far) that I've done myself so I was a little nervous to post it, but I'm glad I did. :)
Right?? I got used to how codes work on PC but dang it's gonna take a while to get used to how they work on mobile.
Working together definitely is better than working alone most of the time. I'll be sure to ask you if I have any coding questions in the future. Thanks for the offer!