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Hey there! I’m using this theme, but I have this big old blank space! Here’s an image. ;0;

that's because you have a lot of information for the "You May" and "Please Do Not" sections!  not a bad thing of course but for this code, i only had brief sentences in mind, which is why the right side is spacious like that (it aligns itself vertically, depending on the height of the entire left side!) ^^

some suggestions i can give is (from the easiest to the more complicated):

  • rewrite your list to the most concise as you can
    • e.g. [Please do not refer to my designs / art as "HQ" or "high quality." i do not like the unhealthy competition this verbiage encourages.] TO [do not refer to my designs/art as HQ/high quality]
    • optional but remember that the please do not is already in the title of the box!
  • use another code and give it the lesbian theme
  • add scroll boxes to the yes/no boxes
  • make the right side "sticky" like how the left side of the gay code is

let me know how you want to proceed and i can help or leave you be! ^^

I’m gonna try to shorten my text! If not, maybe I’ll make them scroll boxes?

if scroll boxes is the way to go, you:

  1. Under the CONTENT guide header, replace the <p> with <div>
  2. Insert a height value with an overflow:auto in the div's style
  3. Optional but surround the text with <p> !
    1. For each new paragraph, there should be a new <p>
    2. (technically, you can create a list using <ul> but I'm assuming you want keep the starry bullets)

if done right, it should look like this!


repeat the steps for the "please do not" box as well!  hope this helps! <3

Thanks so much!!! ❤️❤️

Hm, so I got the scrolls working, but there’s still a large gap on my profile. Do you think I may have accidentally deleted something that creates the division?

i think you deleted a </div> by accident, which is why there’s no longer two ‘columns’ !!

i’m not on my computer right now so i cant tell you where exactly but try comparing your code to the original and see where it may be needed!

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