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And if you just make something simple for them first? QuQ That only includes some basic stuff and small things that are important for you to mention about this character? Like I did here for example: A profile like this can be done quickly and you have at least something for them that you can then add more info to in the future? I mean yes it isn't something super duper wowie-pretty kind of profile but at least it is something xD But I can really feel how discouraging it is at the same time with so many D//x Oh I know this feeling xD Every time I draw for someone else I have big inspiration and motivation to work on any kind of own stuff, but as soon as I HAVE the time for it... nothing happens lol

Yes! The Art Style of SoS is kind of... hmm... "bothering" me too? I mean it is cute and all but you are right, the romance candidates look and feel a bit like teenagers rather than young adults.. But as soon as you get used to it, it is okay x///DD
Will you play Portias sequel, my time at Sandrock, too? This will have a multiplayer too x//D We could visit each other at some point then lool I haven't played it yet but I am sure I will >///< It is still in beta and development though x///D I like how they start to build their world with different games; maybe we get other places to see in the future too >///< (My time at Duvos maybe? LOL Where the bad guys come from x//DDD)

Haha, yes, yes, of course he would not be that immature when his wife would make him wait forever on a date x///D But I find it kidna funny to think of what she needs to do to sleep on the sofa rofl xDDD But I agree, he would probably be worried-angry x//D When I digged through the game files.... Because I wanted to have all his voicelines.. |D (which I found lul), one of them shows that he wouldn't be mad indeed u///u When Aurora would gift him something he doesn't like to his birthday or anniversary, he would say in a nice tone "You knew I did not like this, do you? ahh.. what am I gonna do with you *soft laugh*" Hmmm *melts* xDDDD So with other words she could gift him now steamed potato fruit and he wouldn't be mad lool And if she would forget to gift him something at all (would never happen though xD), he would say "Oh you.. (you can hear him smiling at that point lol) do better next time" but also in a .. soft voice, ahhh!!1dshjpivh *explodes* x///DD Ahem, sorry x//D

Ohhh that quest x//D I admit I really hated this quest loool It made me feel so uncomfy in RL because I was already head over heels in love with him xDDDD I just hated everything on it xDD But I was glad that he actually said himself to never had this kind of feelings and just seen her as little sister lol It honestly makes me happy (very happy lmao) that you decided to advise him not to give Nora a chance in your game as well xDDD
And about Auroras profile.. At first I wanted to give Nora the hate status but at the other hand, she did nothing to her so Aurora has no reason to actually hate her. But Aurora surely does not want to befriend her xDD She does not even accept any of her commission requests, if she pins one on the board lmao

That would be a nice idea though, cheating on someone you actually doesn't like and go to the one you actually want to marry x///DD That's a way that I would try out too - sadly it is too late for me to do that rofl But, I hope you keep me updated how it's going with Remington u///u I wonder what kind of special quest he has when dating him oUo
Ahhhh x//DDD I had once 4 people standing there, wanting to hang out and I was like hello, am I a celebrity or what xD Sometimes I sneak past them loool Don't want to hang out every time x//DDDDDDDD Unless their Name is Arlo lol I remember one time, I was already married with him, he wanted to do a small couple-quest with me but there was also a bunch of people outside wanting to hang out xD So we went there, and when the quest was over, the symbol of him wanting to have a date with me showed up immediately xDD It was like as he has seen all the people in front of our home and be like "NOPE, Husband first" xDDDD
omg Albert xDD I really do not like him lol Sometimes he is saying "Aurora, we should hang out some time. You surely caught my attention.. *winkwink*" O_o And I am always like wtf Albert, you know she is taken, you've been on their wedding (for some reason lool)

Aww I agree, Remington and Arlo seem like that when it comes to feelings x//D Which is why I am still not 100% happy with my "how they came together" background lol Kinda want him to be the one to give the heart knot to her but hmm not sure if that really is "in character" xDDD Would be cool if all characters had the mechanic of proposing to the player - only Dr.Xu actually does that x//D When I gave Arlo the wedding Ring he said "I was waiting for this to happen" and I thought why haven't you done that then, did my kisses on your lips not tell enough lol xDD

True, I do not like to keep someone wait for too long when they paid me for a commission either >//n//< Which is why I always try to keep the list short lol Ohww I am sorry to hear you got a burnout!! Dx I hope you recover soon and already feel much better QuQ I can imagine taking commission in that situation would not really help to relax and calm down in general D//x An Art Trade feels indeed kidna different to that, and I really do not mind at all to draw something for you too >u< I will message you about it then, I guess this post already is long enough anyway x//D
Hehe yess!! My trade for her will be your couple Akira X Kosmic x//3 >//u//<

Aww thank you very much! I am really glad this is out of the way "now"; I know it kinda was before but it feels more complete for me now that I talked to you about this as well xD Yes! I was a little worried about that back then and that you might not feel okay when we would get in contact again ;u; Aww that would have been nice if you would have message me then, but I reaaaally feel this when time passes way too fast and all of a sudden it is months later and it wouldn't make sense anymore to now randomly come up with it again lol But I am very glad this is all good and in the past now Q//u//Q
Ohhh really? X///D That is so cool >///< Hehe yes, we would say "Das ist Schnee von gestern". We could also say "Kalter Kaffee" (cold coffee) to something that is long ago x//D What other similarities do you know of? >//< That's interesting x//D I also loved that Shinis old Character "Shini" was close to the word Sini, which is why she renamed and redesigned her >//< I found this was such a cool coincidence and I liked how close the original name was to this first x//D Also, is the Name "Riina" a common finish name btw? I actually did not know if so, I just took the last part of my real name Katharina and added another i (because a double letter is a common thing in an Asura-Name, which is why almost all of them have that in their name xD). But some day, someone in another online game than Guild Wars actually asking me "are you finish?" and I was huh xDDD

Ah yeah, I do have something similar for a couple of my characters and I was planning to do exactly that for others as well, but even those smaller profiles require me to sit down and write a summary of some kind >n<;; I mean, if I just manage to get started it's usually easy enough, but getting started is one of the many struggles of ADHD. ú_u
Hahaha yeah exactly, why does that motivation always appear when you have to do something else?? It's a curse... >n<

It is very cute and I do like the character designs in SoS in general, plus the player character creation options are pretty nice! But especially since I like Damon and he's also kind of short and small, I just can't shake the feeling that I'm talking to a teen. x'D But like you said, I'm sure I'd get used to it and wouldn't really notice it anymore.
I'll definitely play Sandrock too, yeah! I'll unfortunately have to wait to play it on the Switch though because I just. Can't. Play. on PC. OTL First of all, my tiny cube of a PC has an even tinier amount of RAM and can't handle most games, and even if it could, I'm so bad at playing on a keyboard it's ridiculous... and usually keybinding a controller in a PC game with tons of actions is also kind of painful. (Going by my experience from some years ago when I played Terraria on my old laptop for a while. I played for like 30+ hours and then gave up because I just couldn't get used to the controls and it was getting stressful and frustrating lol) So while I'd love to visit and stuff, I don't think it'll be possible TT^TT
Wasn't Sandrock supposed to be a DLC at first but then they made it into an entire game? I'm really looking forward to it, hopefully it'll be even better than Portia! And I agree, it'd be really cool if they expanded the other places as well! I'm interested in both Highwind and Barnarock c: Would be interesting to see where the Portia player character comes from!

Apparently the angry letter I got from Arlo is a generic one anyway, I "missed" a play with Ginger because the game glitched or something and she didn't show up :'I (and since her dates are at a later hour I couldn't get into her house either at that point) And she sent me the same letter Arlo did. But awww Arlo, those are all such cute lines?? >//u//< The "what am I gonna do with you" is especially sweet, no wonder you're getting all melty over there! x//D

Yeah you have a good point that unless Aurora is an insanely jealous person, she wouldn't really have a reason to hate Nora. Illusia finds Nora mostly okay since Nora's much less strict about her religious views than Lee, buuuut she'd probably be pretty mad if someone went after her love interest. Lmao, today I found Arlo talking with Nora in his little spot behind the clinic late at night and I was like MY DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING I THOUGHT WE TALKED ABOUT THIS. xDD
ALSO-- 8'I Illusia's most recent relationship update: I gave Remington a Heart Knot and HE DARED TO REJECT ME. What a butthole x'DDD So now Illusia is like "FINE then, I'll hang out with all these other people until you realize what you did" :'D I was surprised Remi didn't accept the Heart Knot though since we already had a 7 heart relationship. What the hell, man, haha! I might try increasing my relationship with Gust while Illusia gets over her anger, we'll see how that goes. She still has her eye on the dumbass that rejected her though. u_u Not that she'd admit that.

FOUR PEOPLE!! Amazing x'D Aurora is a very popular celebrity indeed! Get your pen ready, you gotta start giving out autographs soon! The sneaking past everyone sounds like something out of a comedy show, haha! And so does Arlo being that greedy of a husband x//DD Leave some Aurora for others, silly man.
Albert's antics make me laugh xDDD Illusia is used to flirting and being flirted with so she doesn't mind him too much. She kinda sees him as a bumbling idiot of a brother who needs her help re: his love life. x'D Hahah Albert to Aurora: "Marriage is only a hindrance, not a full stop ;D" Illusia would smack  him upside the head and be like "just shut up, you're embarrassing yourself."

Hmm, I can see why you'd want Arlo to be the one to gift Aurora the Heart Knot. I think out of the two of them, it would still be more in character for Arlo to do it, if that makes sense? I could be wrong of course, but that's the feeling I get. I think Sam could talk him into doing it after some time, and besides, Arlo is a man of action! Not afraid of rejection except a little! The confession could also happen during or after some super dangerous mission where they were actually scared for their lives for a while? I think that would definitely give Arlo the kick in the butt he needs to risk it and give her the Heart Knot he's been holding onto for weeks.
It is a shame that the player has to be the one to initiate though... It's the same in Stardew Valley but I was like "uhhh no way my character would have the social skills to confess AND his love interest is actually super eloquent and extremely romantic and would definitely do it" and decided to overwrite the game canon in my head a little for that x//DD It was necessary. But ohh, I didn't know Dr. Xu could be the one to initiate a relationship? :O I'm curious now, how does that happen? If one NPC can do it, why can't others, hmph.
"I was waiting for this to happen" MY MAN WHY WERE YOU WAITING LMAO Like that makes it sound like he didn't 100% want it himself since he didn't do it himself. x'D

Thank you! <3 I'm feeling much better than I was a couple months ago, and I've actually returned to work but doing less hours now. It's still a bit tough but I've recovered from burnouts before, I'll get through this time as well.
Yesss I'm excited to see Kosmic and Akira in your style ouo

Yeah I get it, sometimes you gotta actually talk about stuff like this to feel it's actually out of the way. c: Even though I guess it could have already been dealt with if I had managed to message you back then, haha x'D STILL, maybe then we wouldn't be talking about Portia now??
In Finnish the snow thing is "menneen talven lumia," hehe :D I mean I definitely know of a lot of similarities, one just surfaced a couple weeks ago in a conversation with Quick but of course when someone asks for specific ones I can't remember any. x__x One cool thing I do remember (just a word though) is that Quick and I recently realized what a "donut" is - it's a dough nut, nut as in "Mutter," not "Nuss" :DDDD And from that I realized that the Finnish words for both dough and nut are probably derived from German because Teig = taikina (pronounced very similarly) and Mutter = mutteri.
YEAH I was also like "awwww" when she renamed Shini -> Sini. ;u; It actually used to be even more fitting and amusing when blue was her favorite color, since the name Sini just basically means "blue."
Yes, Riina's a relatively common name here! I think it's most common in people our age and hasn't been that popular a baby name in the past 20 years though. I actually briefly dated a Riina in middle school, haha! And I also have a character with that name c: I named her after one of my own middle names, Eveliina, but 1. I did not want any of my actual names on my character, 2. "Eve" reminds me of an annoying stereotypical mean girl teenager (and an ex-coworker I didn't like), 3. "Liina" means "scarf/cloth" and is more of an old woman's name... so I was like "ugh I'll just name her Riina then!" xDD I like the name Riina. It has a really nice ring to it. uvu It's pretty cool that Asura names often have double letters! The entire Finnish language has an insane amount of those and they're often the only thing differentiating two words from each other (like tuli/fire and tuuli/wind) and I kinda like them a lot x//D Especially double vowels.

Hhhh I'll have to reply to your PM tomorrow, it's almost sleepy time for me =v=

Awww I can understand that D//x The first step is always the hardest Dx I wish I could help you with your profiles but sadly I can't ;//u//; But I hope you will manage to make a pretty page for all of your important babies at some point Q//u//Q I have a Splatoon Character hidden for almost a year now because.. there is basically nothing on her page yet lool xD

I know what you mean about PC games x//D When I started it years ago, I thought I could never get used to it. But here I am, playing Guild Wars 2 for 10 years on the keyboard xDD ....And I still press wrong buttons sometimes lmao I also play Portia with Keyboard x///D As long as I can change some keybinding, I usually do not have any problems anymore with that. But I surely had to get used to it first. And who knows, if I hadn't someone back than who was playing MMOs and other PC games with me like crazy and actually showed me the "world" of PC games (I was 100% console before xD), I don't know if I would have gotten used to it.
Ohw, there is still such thing like Crossplay x//3 I don't know if My time at Sandrock will support this, but if so, then it could be possible for console and pc to play with each other >u< Games like Dead by Daylight or Super Animal Royale have this crossplay support for example. I sometimes play Dead by Daylight with my friend, she on the PlayStation and me on PC and it works fine x//D So there is still a chance xD
If that's not an option they will add, then that's sad QuQ But we can at least talk about it then x//D Ahh yes I would love to see Barnarock too! I overall think the game does not tell thaaaat much about the past of the own character... I still have so many questions xD But I do not want to spoiler you at this point so I better shut up x///D

Aww damn, but I already thought this could be a possibility with the letters being generic. I've noticed characters say the same when hanging out too or when they greet you when starting to hang out. When Arlo first said to me "I am so glad to see you!" I was like awwww but then another npc said that as well on a playdate and I was like: ">3>" XDDDDD
But it is also like this with the soundfiles. I also extracted the files of Dr.Xu for a friend and then I have seen that all the characters seem to share some voicelines, not only the relationship ones, also when they like a gift or not and so on x//D

Aurora can get jealous, but I thought it would not fit well to this situation. Nothing happened after all so why should she >//< Plus she trusts Arlo x//D But she surely wants to avoid any kind of contact with Nora. I have this headcanon/fanfiction of this whole situation.. With Nora being the antagonist who could not stand to be rejected for "someone like Aurora", some chick that just moved to Portia while she was there for who knows how long already and well.. xD It ends very bloody for Aurora and yadda yadda middle part and end of the story is that Arlo is not giving a flying fuck for Nora anymore then lol
Oh my, don't tell me such things, my poor heart and peace of mind! xDDD But I assume the meeting you just caught them on is the "having a talk with her" meeting aka "I already have a crush on someone and this someone is not you" bwahahaha ahem sorry ûu xD If you advised him to not get in touch with her then it will be like this. But then it is kinda interestng they actually added the situation of him telling her so rofl xD

WHAT NOOOO REMINGTON WHY YOU DO DIS! That just proves that he really has no idea what he feels for Illusia already and is uncertain about it ûu She has turned his whole world upside down and now he is nonstop driving the emotional roller coaster x////D When she then came along with the heart knot, he was probably too overwhelmed u///u I can't find any other explanation for it x///D But wow getting rejected with 7 hearts, I don't get that D//x I know there is a small chance of that to happen but bleh D//x I hope he knows better next time!! Make him jealous with hanging out with Paulie or Gust then lol u///u x///DD Don't give up >///<

loool x///D If I imagine giving autographs in the morning on the gate, that is just hilarious x//D And yes, I sometimes just grab my mount and jump over the fence and sneak away instead of using my squeaky gate and go through all the... "fans" that want to hang out xDDDD I mean this is so silly anyway since the npc don't bother at all to wait there till noon if I talk to them or not xDDDD But I kinda feel so bad when I don't want to hang out with any of them and then walk past them as if they weren't there loool I am stupid x///DD
lol indeed Arlo, there is enough Aurora for everyone ûu (everyone but Albert though lol xD)
Aww that is interesting how your character would act in such a situation x//D Aurora would feel very uncomfortable when Albert says such things and would probably tell Arlo about it, so he can handle it and make Albert stop x//D

Awww thank you very much for your opinion and little ideas of the heart knot between Arlora >///< I feel the same about it that Arlo should be the one who does it, but I'd also like to express how much Aurora would love to do that as well but is too shy to confess her feelings to him. I like to put a lot of how I would act in this situation, and if I would stand in front of Arlo, in Person and face to face, I would probably forget to breath and just faint lul Which is why I gave Aurora a very shy and observing character x//D Which is also why it does not feel right to me if she gives the heart knot - but carrying it forever already, hoping to ever gather the courage for it lol
I can imagine this very well too that Sam points him into the direction - She should do that with Remington right now as well and give him a gentle punch for not accepting Illusia's heart knot ûu
Aww I really like the idea of a dangerous mission. That would fit very well too x///D Thanks for the inspirations, maybe I'll go over their story again >///<
Hehe, yes Dr.Xu is the only one who does that >u< At some point, it will trigger a special Quest. On that quest he will ask the player to marry him. I remember when I googled something about Portia, I stumbled over a forum thread where someone talked about that "I just had this quest with Dr.Xu and the next day I was married with him?!" Kinda found it funny loool But until this point I did not know he would do that either so I would be very shocked as well, especially since it seems there was a translation error back then that did not make it obvious that he was proposing xDD

Wait, wait, the whole sentence was: "Oh, my dearest! I was waiting for this to happen! I am so happy right now!" Guess he wanted it but then we are at the "does the other one really feels the same too ohmigawd what does all that mean?!?!" part again lmao XDD Poor confused little guys u///u rofl

Aww I am glad you have already recovered a lot, but it was not your first burnout? DDDx You better be careful Dx Good that you could get back to work but with less hours. I hope this was the last one then that you had to suffer from >_< I have a friend who is working his ass off recently too, I am afraid he will suffer a burnout sooner or later as well if he doesn't be careful.. |D

That's true, maybe we wouldn't get to talk about Portia now then, and I must say I really enjoy that >u<
Ohhh that sounds pretty in finnish! haha it is always like this, when someone ask for examples or anything, then you can't come up with any but wait until you lay in your bed trying to sleep and think about it again.. |D lol Aww these are very interesting little examples though >u<

Hah, thank you for telling me >u< Now I don't need to feel confused anymore if someone asks me ever again x//D It is kind of funny to me though how I came to that name without knowing it is an actual name lol But it's very cool x///D Awww you have a Riina too, that is sweet >//u//< Whenever I see a Character on TH that has the same name like one of mine, I need to fav them xDD Is this one of your public characters?? I need to go stalking when I am done with this message x//D
Hehe yes, that is a common thing in Asura names - don't has to be like this but most of them have x//D Asura also do not have a surname x//D ...Lore wise at least, one of mine has one nevertheless lol xDDD
Ohhh I like the sound of the words tuli and tuuli x//D I always found it cool and confusing at the same time when one simple letter makes it a whole different word x//D I am trying to learn japanese since a while and it is like that all the time, where only a simple point added makes it a complete different thing already.. xD Sadly my Brain kinda can't manage to get all the Hiragana stuck so.. I am still a bloody beginner loool

Hahah, that’s okay, I’ll get them done eventually. u_û like maybe when I’m 80 or so. Although with the amount of OC’s I push out every year I’m gonna have like 300 profiles to make by that time KD;;
Yeah I feel that, I have even published a lot of profiles that have nothing on them because I figured it might motivate me to work on them. It… didn’t, really. XD

How long did it take for you to get used to using a keyboard to play, if you don't mind me asking? Like, weeks, months, years? At what point did it start feeling natural? I struggle a lot with coordination with my left hand for some reason and I’ve even had a hard time playing Pokemon games on an emulator+keyboard combination in the past OTL It makes sense to continue playing despite it being difficult if you have someone else to motivate you! And it’s really cool that you’ve been playing the same game for so long c:
Ohh I didn’t know about crossplay! I have a friend who loves Dead by Daylight and plays it on PS4 I think, but I… don’t know if she knows about it either because I think she has lamented how she can’t play it with her friends who play on PC. Or maybe her friends had a different console, I’m not sure anymore. It kinda seems unlikely they’d include that for Sandrock, but if they do, I’m definitely up for some crossplay c:
Ooooo, now I’m curious about what I might still learn about the player character’s past! C: Good thing I have a four-day weekend now, gonna be binging some Portia… >u> And also working on some Illusia refs and her profile, hehe.

Yeah I think Remington says ”I’m so glad to see you” as well! I wish they were a bit more personal in their little lines as well, but then again, the game has already a lot going on so maybe the developers didn’t have the time or energy to think of personal phrases for every character and every situation xD Oh well.

That’s true, and Arlo was very open about it so it was pretty clear there was nothing suspicious going on with the Nora situation. Oh wow, that’s a very interesting-sounding story, this kind of drama is right up my alley ouo (as long as there’s a happy ending) If I may be curious, what exactly does Nora do and how does Aurora handle it? Give me all the juicy details! x//DD I imagine once Arlo finds out he’ll be furious at least! As he should! Good thing Nora will eventually leave Portia; isn’t she there on a mission from the church? So nobody has to deal with uncomfortable awkwardness forever after the biggest drama dies down.
Yeah I imagine that’s why they were talking too x//D Just Arlo telling Nora he’s not interested in her romantically because he already loves someone else höhöhö.

Aaaaaaa /)//w//(\ ”She has turned his whole world upside down” she sure has, she's a tornado of a person u////u Hhhh but I love what you said about them aaaa??? It makes sense that Remington would be overwhelmed and need more time to think about it. He might even be unsure if she’s actually serious about it, because he knows how ridiculously impulsive Illusia is. Maybe he’ll come back to her with a confession of his own eventually, as in… when I decide to get them together. xD It might also help him figure out his feelings to see her hanging out and flirting with Gust and Phyllis :—D I think I was just unlucky with the rejection chance, but I like the turn Illusia’s story took with this so I’m waiting for a while longer before trying the heart knot again. All in all I think this makes for a more interesting story so I’m not mad about it at all x//D

Just after sending my last reply I went back to playing and had three people wanting to hang out xDD All people that I’m not super interested in too lol, I think it was Django, Sam, and Emily or something. Yeah imagine an entire line of people queuing to get your autograph… xDD EVERY MORNING even. I usually take a moment to greet them even if I don’t want to do a playdate with them, but to be fair you probably have much higher relationships with everyone relevant already and aren’t trying to raise them as much as I am x//D I’m just like ”give me the few daily points, thx”
Hehe, Illusia isn’t easily bothered by anything and I think she gets annoyed before she gets uncomfortable xD (unlike me :B) She can also fend Albert off of Aurora if needed. x//D And tbh even if Illusia did feel uncomfortable, she’d want to handle it herself. She’s really stubborn about doing everything herself and never asking anyone for help, even if it’s clear she needs it. And now that I think about it, I guess this is a trait I have as well lol x’D I didn’t even realize before now.

I think it’s a great idea that Aurora would also be carrying a heart knot with her for a while, trying to gather the courage to confess to Arlo! But then in the end he’d be the one to do it first, and like in the story you have for them now, they’d share a chuckle over how both of them have been wanting to do it for a while. (That’s how it goes, right? I seem to remember it like this, I apologize if I’m wrong!) If you were to ever write a story about their mutual confession, Aurora could even like… whisper ”I love you” to Arlo at some point in a situation where it’s clear he can’t hear it. Just to show that she’s really desperate to tell him but can’t bring herself to do it >///<
Lmaooo yeah Sam, go give Remington that kick in the butt he needs xDD She’ll be like ”what is WRONG with you two?! Ugh, guys…” But it’s also sweet that she’d help both Arlo and Remington figure out what they want to do about their respective love interests. uvu
Yay, I’m glad I could be of some help ;u; !! I hope you can come up with something that you’ll be satisfied with, and I’m super looking forward to reading their new story if you do end up changing it! But yeah, a dangerous mission is always a good idea in my opinion, that opens up so many nice scene options like ”she gets hurt, he gets furious and kicks butt to protect her” and ”he stays up while she sleeps to keep guard, has romantic thoughts while gazing at her sleeping face” and stuff like that u///u All kinds of romantic little cliche’s, basically sdlkfj x//DD;; These kind of romantic things seem to fit Arlora pretty well, hehe.
Prffff that is funny, especially if it was possible to get married to Dr. Xu without actually realizing it! I just wish that could happen with others as well lmao. Without the translation error of course :3c

ARLO PLEASE x’DD That’s still so…kdslfdjl just DO IT if you WANT IT THAT BADLY, you silly redhead. At this rate he’s gonna be like… standing at the altar waiting for Aurora to walk down the isle and whispering to his best man Remington ”do you think she REALLY likes me??” Like bro... yes, she's about to marry you, I think she likes you.
Joking aside, would Arlo and Aurora have talked about marriage before the proposal though? Like did they explicitly know they wanted to get married or was the proposal a complete surprise? How does the proposal go in your headcanon? C: If you’ve explained this in their couple profile, I’m sorry x//c I can’t remember right now lksfdj

Nope, this was my second complete burnout and I’ve had a few near-burnouts as well x//c Thank you, I also really hope I won’t have any more of them in my life, but my particular set of mental problems on top of being neurodivergent are a pretty unlucky combination >_< Although my latest burnout was mostly due to how horribly the company I work for handled things last year. Most of our best people left the company and it was impossible to get help with the more demanding work. My work is basically like… tier 2 IT support for this big HR management and payroll software that mostly serves municipalities and cities. We get tickets from our clients when they encounter problems with our software and it's our job to solve them. At one point I was handling the tickets for a large client all by myself for a few weeks, which was… fantastic. /sarcasm At least I’m gonna get my ADHD diagnosis soon (as soon as my doctor gives me the appointment he promised >_>) and being medicated for that might help me at least a little.
Oh no, I really hope your friend doesn’t burn himself out! It can take ages to recover from burnouts ;n; It must be frustrating to watch him doing that to himself too. Often the people who burn out won’t listen to friends telling them they’re doing too much though, sadly >_<;; But I do hope you can get through to your friend that he needs to slow down or his body/mind will force him to stop eventually.

Ah yeah, it is a very pretty sentence in Finnish now that you mention it! ;u; The word for ”snow,” lumi, is one of my favorites in Finnish.
That’s how it always is for me sdfkjdfs x//D Although this time I didn’t even remember anything at night lmao!

No need to thank me omg, I’m always up for talking about names and languages uvu It’s actually pretty cool that you just came up with a name that exists in a different language, hehe! I’m pretty sure the Finnish name Riina is also originally derived from the name Katariina, which is pretty much the same as your name, just… Finnish-fied xD
NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT, no, for some reason my Riina is not on Toyhouse yet?? Why though? xD She’s even one of my comfort characters, even though I don’t really do much with her since she doesn’t belong into any fandom or have any OC friends or anything. I do have some old pics of her on my Art Fight page, here:

I like it when a fictional race has like… certain naming conventions and linguistic stuff like that, it pleases the language nerd in me x//DD Are there other races in GW2 that have certain features in their names etc.?
Tuli and tuuli are also very pretty words, yes! Tuuli is in fact also a female name c: I’ve also known people called Suvi-Tuuli and Meri-Tuuli, or ”Summer Wind” and ”Ocean Wind” respectively. Not all Finnish names are like this of course, like none of my names mean anything special like this (except for my surname). BUT enough of that tangent, I could talk about names all day so I need to stop before it gets to that point sldkfjdsl
Oh cool, Japanese is such an interesting language! I understand it a little bit, but all of that has been learned from anime and J-dramas =u=;; How long have you been learning it? Do you take courses or are you learning on your own? I also tried to learn hiragana at one point to understand doujinshi lmao, but I found it hard to remember as well. :c It’s a pretty complicated language with all the in-built politeness and stuff, but that also makes it interesting in my opinion!

Hmmm let me think, that is hard to say how long it took me to get used to it - I remember I needed long lol And I had a lot trouble to hit/find the right buttons |D Especially in hectic situations like a battle or what where you have to move and press buttons to attack and everything at the same time lol I remember I have put stickers (no flat ones, that kind of stickers that you can feel when you touch them) or little parts of modeling clay like super sculpey on buttons that I needed to reach (like 4 or 5) that felt "too far away" from W A S D or around W A S D, since I was often too dumb to reach or FIND them when in said more stressfull situations xD It helped me a lot to mark these buttons and to get a feeling where I have to move my fingers. And at some point I didn't need them anymore, now I find the right buttons without any help x//D (well 98% of the time xDD)
Also one important thing when moving the character on a 3D game on computer is: Do not turn with W A S D xD People like this are called keyboard turner lol You basically use the camera (mouse) to run with your character. I barely use A or D to move to left or right outside of a fight, I just rotate the camera to the right which makes my character go right as well even if I press W (forward) x//D Hope this is not too confusing.. But this makes moving the own character so much easier. Of course that does not work with games like Terraria; I think that was a 2D game? >///<
It is also important to have a gaming mouse. I swear, these things make life so much easier xD You can keybind important actions to it or things you always use and are able to do them faster and easier.
That's my experience so far >///< I have some dumb little recordings of me playing GW with my Raid-Group - Once a week we meet up to do Raids and for self analysis I like to record that sometimes lol Maybe you want to look through it (it also has timestamps xD) just for giving a button-smash-chara movement example? x//D And this is already... kinda slow xD Some Classes requiere a lot more button smashing BUT that is another random topic xD
About Crossplay: I think consoles have to enable it in their options first to do it >//< Crossplay includes all other consoles and PC >//< On PC it is mostly on default lol But I have read for Super Animal Royale for example, that Console players have to enable it first or else they only play with their own kind x//D

True, the game already is very huge and I can understand they do not have 100% personal sentences for everyone. BUT I think if you are in a relationship or marriage with someone, it shouuuld add a few personal lines x//D That brings me back to SoS, when you get your child. At that day I ran to town and e v e r y o n e had something indiviual to say about the event of me having a child now xD I really liked that they "noticed". In Portia, sadly no one (but your husband of course) cares when you get your child rofl And as far as I know the child stays baby forever Q//u//Q Which is sad, I am used to the childs grow at least that much that they can roam in the city but well x//D

Hehe ooooh I see you are up for some nora-aurora drama? >//u//> Of course, of course, my stories always have a happy end x///D Well, to make it short: Nora visits Aurora at her workshop, pretending to have a commission but then she just..stabs her with a knife when Aurora comes close enough lol xD At first I thought hm, would that really fit to a church-person doing such thing?! But then I thought of all the true crime docus I've watched so far xDDDD And if I learned something from them, then that even people you would never think they could do any terrible things, can do when it comes to money or rejected love. So I decided, yes, Nora is capable of stabbing Aurora lol And of course Arlo sees the scenery, Nora flees and Aurora lays in her own blood. But with Arlo being a very trustworthy witness, Nora won't have a chance to deny this. But long story short: He rescues Aurora with bringing her to the hospital; and since she lost so much blood he also gives a big amount of a blood donation u///u He then sits next to her bed guarding her all the time when she had no consciousness for days. Of course she wakes up at some point, recovers and then happy end x//D They also did confront Nora, who was jailed until then. While Aurora has not really a memory of all this, she could not believe that this person did such harm to her and she even offers her to forgive her some day, while Arlo has a different opinion to all this and would never forgive her. End of Story: Nora has to leave Portia lol bye bye xDDD
Talking about Fanfic: I have a few uploaded to Arloras profile but not public. I kinda feel uncomfy with my stories being public x//D But if you like to read such stuff, would you like to get access to it? I want to upload the.. Nora-story there as well at some point but so far it only exists in german and I need to convert it to english first lol x///DD I am not sure if I will ever add everything I write to their profile, but every now and then thre might be something added u///u

Hehe, I already said that in the message but I am very glad I could give you some headcanon and ideas for Remi and Illu x//D Maybe Remington gets jealous when he sees Illusia hanging out more with other guys after rejecting her, and maybe that gives him the little kick in his butt to finally let love happen and to step up to her again u///u I can't wait where this will lead and what you come up with them for their backstory then hehe >///U///<

Ohhhh three people waiting for you, you better get your own pen and notepad ready for the autographs x///DDD Hah, honestly I never bothered to talk to everyone every day for the relationship points x//D I think I got the most points from doing the commissions and thanks to the network the characters have, like the friendship level rises for arlo and sam too when you do stuff for remington and so on x///D I was only after Arlo loool Oh you should also befriend the mayor early since he will reduce the price when you want to buy more land for your property x///D I am now at some point of having a lot or full hearts with mooost people. For some reason I got my first "BFF" status with Antoine xDD I do not aim to be besties with everyone honestly.. It is like in RL xD If you dont like someone then you do not talk to them lol And so I never talk to Nora - best example rofl No idea how many hearts I have with her, probably not many xDD
At some point you will be able to do a party on your property. You will have a round table, set something to eat on it and invite people. So I did recently and to my surprise some people just invited themself?!?!? LOL All of a sudden the mayor just stepped in (WITH HIS FRIEND AS HIS +1??) for example and I had no chair left around the table so they had to stand LOL And when I accidentally stood up, Albert took my seat?!?!? What an ass xDDDD So for next time I have already a second table set up, just in case someone feels like inviting themself again or stealing my seat lmao

Hehe yes you remember correctly about how I have Arloras confess-story written on their profile so far >///< Awww that is very adorable too, I could imagine this very well for her to whisper "i love you" when he is distracted or can't hear it for some reason, and when he asks "did you say something?" She is like "NO, IT'S ALL GOOD O///O" and thinking //fuck that would have been a good opportunity ;;n;; // xD lol x//DD Wahhh you giving me so many ideas for my inner cinema lol x//D I have done similar scenes in some fanfics of them already but I would never get tired to write more like that in different situations lol

loool that is funny to imagine at their wedding x///D
I have not explained it in detail how the whole wedding part goes on their profile, but in my headcanon it hits Aurora as a complete surprise when he propose to her u//u I am very cliche-ish with that so it has to be HIM who does it x///D I think instead of really talking about the wedding thing, she would rather give him hints that tell him that she would love to marry him x//D Arlo is not dumb, he should get these hints lol And so he starts to plan it all u///u Maybe even the anon-commission for the rings x//D Compared to the heart-knot part, I imagine them both knowing very well that they want to marry some day >///< And then, on a date that Aurora thinks is like a normal romantic date, he runs the propose protocol lol goes down at his knees at the..hah I don't come up with the place' name where the big wishing tree stands right now xDD Well, that place lol, where everyone can see it, and asks her to marry him u///u

Ohhh I am sorry to hear that D///x I really hope your doctor will give you the needed appointment to get the diagnosis. That all sounds very stressfull and I can imagine how shiiit it must have been especially when many good people left and all the work lays on the few that stayed Dx I am glad things will get better now though and I hope you will keep feeling better and healthier Q//u//Q
Yes! My friend kinda really does not listen |D He also has way less time than before.. And also kinda less to talk about |D" I always told him he does not live to be owned by his job but well.. I hope he wakes up before something happens that damages him for a long time or forever |D""

I looked through your charas twice and did not find Riina, so I thought she must have been a hidden chara, buuut looks like there goes another one to the "nice profile when?" list X///DDDDD oh my!! she is so adorable omg Q//u//Q Ahhh she is so cute and pretty!!! And I really love her colors >U< I am sure my Hikari would love to be her friend ûu (since you said she has no OC friends lol x///DDD)

Oh yes! We have the Charr race x//D They are big cats that love the war and battle. Their warband is their family. Their surnames mostly represent anything like "claw/fur" etc like "Ironclaw" or "sunpelt" x//D You can be very creative with their surname x//D Usually all members of the warband have the same ending in their surname, like fur, claw, paw or whatever. Like that they recognize their warband. I imagine some of my Charr being in the same warband, all of ther surnames end with "fell" (fur) X//D like Donnerfell (thunderfur), Nebelfell (Mistfur), Glanzfell (kind of sparklefur) and Blitzfell (Lightningfur). x///D
Ohh very, very pretty names and name meanings! >///< Hmmm I can't imagine anything like that in german language... I just know that a german actress' name is Wolke (Cloud) xD But that is a very very super rare example and anything but a common name here xD
I am learning (or TRYING to loool) japanese since 3 years, with Duolingo x///D But I guess a year or what I am only doing super easy lessons to not lose my streak xDDDD In case I get my butt up and actually learn more again instead of just repeating baby-lessons xD But I even came up with my own mnemonic for each sign, thinking it would help me more, but I just can't remember it when I actually see it.. I can when I do the lessons, that's all good and cool but if I'd see it in an anime opening in the lyrics, I'd remember like 4 or what loool It's so harddd I wish I had this gift some rare people have who just learn a new language in... idk days and are fluid lol

Ahh yeah, I would probably also put on stickers or something to make finding the keys easier! I mean the keyboard already comes with those little bumps on F and J for ten finger typing, which I actually also managed to learn so maybe I could have a chance at learning to play on PC as well x'DD One day! -shakes fist- Though typing doesn't generally come with those hectic stressful situations lmao. I too get flustered super easily in games where you have to do things quickly and use button combinations and stuff prrff, like I get so stressed over freaking Mario Soccer??? And I used to be unable to play anything where you had to fight in "real-time" in general, but I think I've gotten over that relatively well by now.
Ohhhh that running with W only is so clever wtf?? x///DD what a life hack! But yeah, Terraria is a 2D game so that wouldn't work, sadly. u_u
Ah yeah, I remember my ex flatmate having a gaming mouse? Though if I remember correctly he struggled slightly to use it at times or something. I could see it helping me though!
Ohh thank you for the link, I'll check it out later! ouo
I see I see, I'll have to look into crossplay re: the Switch uvu But since Sandrock isn't even out at this point, I don't think I'm in a hurry to do that yet x'D

Yeah I agree, for relationships and kids and such, it would be nice to have more personal lines. And the fact that nobody cares that you have a child is a bit... silly. xDD Maybe they'll add more personal interactions in Sandrock? Wasn't Portia like a Kickstarter project? While SoS is a long-standing game series. Maybe that's the reason? I don't know if the team who made Portia have done other games before so I probably shouldn't presume anything though, haha. I also think it'd be nice if the child became old enough to interact with, like... a CHILD. xDD I think in Stardew Valley they only grow to toddlers as well but I'm not sure, my husband in that game still hasn't asked me if I want to adopt kids 8I

OHHH I know you said it was bloody but for some reason I wasn't expecting this! 8//D But that's very cool, I especially love the part where Arlo stays by Aurora's side in the hospital u///u It's also somehow romantic that he donates his blood to her, like "we're such a perfect match that our blood types even match" (do they have the exact same blood type or is it like... his is O- or hers is AB+? IF YOU EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT THIS I just tend to go into ridiculous detail with everything kldsfk) And then she carries a part of him "inside her" (in an innocent way lmao) uvu
I'm aware that it's a complete story already but I think it'd be interesting to see Nora do some other stuff too, like maybe try to sabotage Aurora's work for a while but when it doesn't really get her the results she wants (maybe she even wants Aurora to get badly/mortally injured while building stuff?) she gets angrier and more frustrated which finally leads to the stabbing incident. >_o And Aurora would just think everything is a coincidence, with her machines breaking or freaking... exploding and stuff, but Arlo could already be suspicious and keep a better eye on her. And then he'd feel really horrible when he leaves her unsupervised for a couple hours and comes back to her bleeding out hhhhh
I assume Nora goes to prison for this murder attempt lol xD But Portia doesn't have a prison, just that little jail cell for short-term holding. So yep, bye bye Nora! I do feel a little bad for her, I think maybe Lee has had a bad influence on her :c Because his way of getting his way seems to often be pretty unsavory. Maybe the religion could even have influenced her to go this far, people do crazy things because of religion all the time OTL In addition to being a scorned woman.
Yeah I understand, I'm also kinda iffy with sharing my writings. :< Not that I ever finish anything I write lmao. I'd love to have an access to your fanfics though if you're okay with sharing them with me! C//:
Also sorry for like, forcing my ideas on you aaaa please feel free to ignore them ;u; And let me know if you don't like me doing this, I'm just used to it bc I do it all the time with some other friends (and Quick heh) and they seem to like it. u///u But not everyone's the same so. Do let me know if it bothers you.

Remington doesn't seem like the possessive-jealous type, but I also think he'd feel... sad? Seeing Illusia hang out and flirt with others, in some kinda "that could and should be me" way, if that makes sense? x//DD It would definitely be a part of what gives him that final kick in the butt to take that first step. Together with Sam and probably Arlo talking some sense into him.

Yep, Illusia is becoming as much of a celebrity as Aurora now! uvû Better start designing merchandise to sell at the door while giving out autographs! xDDD I want to be better friends with so many characters and I'm so impatient that I need to take all the points I can x'D I give little gifts too and do playdates with someone every day. But I also avoid talking to Lee and Nora for example, him more so than her. x'D And some characters just seem so boring that I never talk to them, like all of the kids and idk Mars and all the round brothers. (It's hilarious when you fulfill their commisions though lmao bc it's like 15 POINTS FOR THIS CHARACTER six times on the screen x'DD) But yeah, at the moment Arlo's my closest friend after Remington because a.) he gets points from getting close with Remington and b.) he gets points from a lot of commissions and story events.
It's pretty cute that Aurora's close with Antoine! c: I bet he'd love giving her nice hairdos and makeovers, haha!
I think I've seen the banquet table on sale and the invitation envelopes and stuff, but I didn't know it was for arranging actual parties! SO RUDE that they just invite themselves though, what the hell x'DDD Entitled people! And lmao @ Albert taking your seat, I bet he just wanted you to sit in his lap like the weirdo he is :'D Illusia would just push him out of her seat and sit back down xDD She'd also do the same if Albert took Aurora's seat, just without taking the seat herself of course. uvû

Yeah I feel that, I also always imagine the same events but with different scenarios lol x'DD Especially confessions, those are so nice and emotional u////u And I'm glad I can give you some ideas too, in return to all the Rem...ill... uhhh ILLUMINATI ideas you're giving me ovo
Awww that is so cute of Aurora >//u//< Poor girl, desperately wanting to be with Arlo but just not being able to confess... I could also see Arlo accidentally saying "I love you" when he's like... really happy about something? Like she brings him something he desires and he's so happy he's just like "Ohh I love you, you have no idea how much I wanted this, thank you so much!" and she's like "o////o wait WHAT" but he doesn't even notice he said that. x//DD And Aurora goes home and can't stop thinkin about it for a week.

Ahh, so they just have a wordless understanding that they both want to get married? That's very sweet ;//u//; And really nice that they don't need to talk about it at all and hints are enough. And that they both want it equally! I think if Remington just popped the question out of nowhere Illusia would panic and say no x'DDD Which... would actually be hilarious, considering how they got together. But yeah, she has some commitment issues and the thought of marriage makes her a bit nervous. She'll get over it eventually of course u///û
Aawwww, that's such a lovely place to propose, and I bet he knows exactly how to make the date as romantic as possible. c///: Will there actually be people around to see the proposal? Lol imagine Mei there casually (but excitedly) taking photos for the Portia Times x'DDD

Thank you! <3 ;u; It was indeed super rough at work but it seems like it's slowly getting better. I wasn't the first to need a long sick leave due to a burnout either lmao, three others had to take one (as far as I know) last year, and all of them were involved in the same client project I was :') But I guess at this point maybe the management is also catching on that things aren't too good in our department. I would hope so at least.
Ugh yeah, makes sense that if all he does is work, he'd have less to talk about as well. :c Sadly, chronic overworkers are often also very stubborn and will not listen to others. And I guess burnout also tends to come very suddenly, like one moment you're relatively okay working a lot and the next day you're crying because it's all suddenly way too much. Your friend might have to go through a burnout to understand that it's a valid threat... right now he might feel like it could never happen to him. :< I do hope he slows down before it happens to him though!

Yeah Riina is definitely on that list now x//DDD As well as another character I've just remembered having lmao. Thank you so much for your compliments aaahhh ;////; I'm still very happy with Riina's design and colors myself c///: She would definitely love to be friends with Hikari! u//v//u

Ohh I love the Charr naming traditions as well! And the names you've given your Charr are really cool; they actually kinda sound like actual surnames hehe x//3
Really, you don't have like... nature names and such? That's really interesting! What about names of flowers for example? We have TONS of names with meanings, like story, myth, snowstorm (there are two different names meaning this, though one word is a word for a windy condition and the other is just when it snows really heavily), wheat, morning, pearl, bear, and berry. Off the top of my head. xD We also have cloud ("pilvi") but it's not like... very common I think.
Your description of learning Japanese sounds like when I tried to learn German with Duolingo lmao x'DDD I also just kept doing the baby lessons and eventually gave up even though I could probably learn it if I kept trying. Though German pronunciation is really hard for my Finnish mouth lmao, especially the hard R sound and the "ch" sound. OTL I'm actually decent at learning languages I think, not the way you described where you just need days and then you're fluent, but I'm fairly good at looking at a language and seeing the patterns in grammar and such. IF ONLY I had the diligence and long-term determination to learn, I could maybe one day actually have conversations with my in-laws, lmao. u__u Have you also like... written hiragana a lot? I feel like it might be easiest to learn if you keep writing them over and over again, and maybe like... taking Japanese words, writing them in hiragana, and then next day try to remember how it was written without looking at it? I don't know, just an idea I had :D;; I do wish you luck and success in learning though!! <3

These walls of text get bigger each time, can I shut up a little OTL I hope I didn't miss anything and managed to reply to everything relevant x//DD

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