Comments on Character QnA ♪Part 1♪ Ask Anything! (April 8) All Comments

1. Why don't you introduce yourselves?

((am I allowed to say this? ah well here goes))

I h-hail from the original Crysanthanum. The original crystal city with you know, the crystal dragons and all. Weavers of peace and all that snicksnack. Yeah uh... here I am. Feelin a bit cobbled abouts.

Oh and yeah I'm Teora Crystalwing! But I prefer if you call me Teora!

I'm portalis!! with an extra i! I'm Teora's familiar.

I'm the only spacebat ever. wooooo. my wings are pretty aint it'


Uh, capital letters my lil bat! Capital letters.


There we go.

I do as I want


I'm Opal, an invisiblood!

I'm actually in Team Merceda, but it seemed like the portalbat and crystaldragon needed a bit of extra help so sometimes I hop over here and there. I've still yet to understand this conundrum that is them. We'll see.


I'm Lighti. There's nothing special about me, but I'm the 3rd member of the team. I think.

I'm... Kintaur,,