Comments on Character QnA ♪Part 1♪ Ask Anything! (April 8) All Comments

How much did you sleep yesterday?

I don't think me or Portalis 'sleep' in that sense. We often take catnaps every few hours or so lasting for anywhere between 15 mins to maybe 2 hours at most. We never do any hibernation or any of that. Which explains why we are sometimes out and about just anytime of the day.

However I fear it might come to the detriment of some of my team members, which is why we (at least I) have been practicing Monophasic Sleep.


I'm a heavy snoozer, I love my 6 hour sleeps <3

I can hibernate too. But I'm good now.

I keep going until I just KO~


Says the one who sleeps an hour.

It's inconsequential whether I sleep or not. My body can go for a long time without any sleep. several months at least.

I may join naps with the team sometimes. but I think it's the most egregious and boring event of the day. What are they thinking