Comments on Character QnA ♪Part 1♪ Ask Anything! (April 8) All Comments

Do you like the Radio?

Listening to the sky when it talks is nice. Need special ears for it though. As special as me.

Never heard of it.

A wadio?? oOo

you mean those really annoying stars in space which go beep beep beep beep beep??


and then they spin around

Oh yeah! That! There's some really antiquated technologies laying here and abouts. I remember hearing about the 'great copper expanse' around the world made just for that! 

It's pretty ancient by our standards. Nowadays dragons mostly rely on Psionics to converse.

oh? What do you mean you don't know Psionics?

Well Psionics are dragons or kin who have the power to telepathically talk to you. Many of them learn the ability to 'mesh' or hmm net up a bunch of dragons together?? so sort of like a group-talk? thing.

and then we can talk to eachother wherever we are... well. almost. 

Though. To add on to this. Resolution is indeed hooked up, or was hooked up to the Grand Copper Expanse around the world. at some point wayyy in the past. 

I think there's one group who refuses to mind meld with psionics. So they kind of rely on it... who were they again

I need to ask Thursday
