Comments on Character QnA ♪Part 1♪ Ask Anything! (April 8) All Comments Start of Thread Parent

I think they meant 'fish' not aquatic (or whatever those are called up there) life forms.

OH! yeah. 

I think I remember eating one.

A random mortal from Triangulum sacrificed it like some kunda 'ueuwwaaaueuwaaa unga bunga bunga unga uewwwwwwwwwwww' ritual and then the fish suddenly appeared in the slipstream when I was teleporting so the first thing I did was stick it in my mouth and eat it.

I didn't have any tastebuds back then so I had no idea how it tasted like.

You just ate someone's mail Portalis. Someones sent mail to the divinities they be and you eated it you silly bat. T_T 

What if it was important? uh... like an important fish?

B-but! Only extradimensional beings are able to pull things from the 3D! Extradimensional beings like me! Otherwise the unga bunger would've never been able to feed me fish :C