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I know this seems super random but I'd just like to say that I see your name a lot in the art marketplace for some reason and your username just got stuck in my head cause of it. 

I've seen you post around, too! Mostly in the lf threads. I alwsys know who you are just cause I think your username is pretty. I feel honored! That's probably weird lol

Ahahaha yeah;;; I tend to post a lot since drawing is currently my primary source of income so I need to stop lazing about. Though I generally still choose threads that interest me. Like I only post in anthro threads when the mood hits me and things like that.

And thank you! That's a compliment for me since my username is based on my real (though more common) name. 

You username for me is memorable partially cause they're a collection of pretty common words but makes for a unique username in the end.