Comments on Animated Icon Comms (CLOSED) All Comments

Style: 1


Any specific expression you want?: a soft shy one with him holding a coffee mug/cup in his mouth!

Extras: If it’s not to much maybe his floating whiskers ‘twitching’ a bit after the ears wiggle?

Any specific background color?: I’d prefer for it to be just transparent, though if I have to pick a colour a light brown!

Extra info (optional): his ears are rounded cat ears with fluff at the end! Almost with serval vibes! Anything else would be in the little design tab in his bio area!

Thank you for ordering! The total would be $30 (base price of $25 + $5 for the mug animation, the whiskers won't have an extra fee!) If you're okay with that, could you DM me your paypal so I can send you an invoice?

Oh yes sorry! Also I didn’t want his coffee mug to be animated, I just wanted him to hold it with his mouth like a cat carrying something!

Ooh okay! My bad, I misunderstood! Then the total would only be $25, I'll send you the invoice in a moment!

Paid! 🥰 also it’s oki! I understand

I received it! Thank you so much for the tip, I really appreciate it!! 💖