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I hate to bother you can give you more notificationss.. TuT but

I just HAVE To SAY I ABSOLUTELY LOVE UR ARTWORK! Back then, you inspired me to try animating! Though i may not be good at it. I want to keep trying! You are awesomee

NOOO NEVER A BOTHER people commenting on my profile makes me so happy! :D

AAAAAAAA THANK YOU OMG I AM SO HONORED. I bet your works are fantastic! I looked at your art tab and just LOVE your creations, your style is SO CUTE and charming I adore all your art. I'd love to see what videos you make down the road and if you wanna start small, headbobs, eyeblinks, and head turns and paw movements is where I started and it just grew from there! Keep trying, you can make amazing things EEE <333