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Ah! I have the standard console unfortunately! I can also get amiibos though, what amiibos are you looking for specifically? Or is it anything from a particular series? ^^

AHH I gotcha,, I’ll certainly consider a regular black one, does it have all the hookups and controllers?
(Also I’m super after games atm too, if you have any of em and are willing to trade!!)
And these are the amiibos I’m after (Except DK, I got em :3)! 


Let me check for the console but I'm pretty sure it still have everything but the box! And like N64 games? my friends work at a video game store and I have a TON of vintage games xD So tbh feel free to list some and I can try to look for them! I certainly know I can get some of the amiibos and the gameboy player and n64 pak. Also did you still need the Callie and Marie amiibos?

ajskbdajkshdjka then I’m def interested!! YES I’m always seeking vintage nintendo games!
I have every console and have a pretty decent list of things I’m seeking,,
I’m super interested in a gameboy player for the GameCube,, (tho I don’t need the N64 expansion pack anymore i think,,)
HONESTLY I’d love if you could photograph and DM pics of what you’d be willing to trade and I can pick out what I’d want!


Sounds good! I'll dm you some pictures/a full list probably tomorrow or the day after! I just need to compile a small list of things I could reasonably pick up too xD

Sounds great!! Yeah I’ve decided I definitely want the black N64, and of course old games and stuff!! I think I mentioned, I have every Nintendo console and am looking for games for all of em, so feel free to go nuts!

Also, if there are items you intend on purchasing for me, I’d actually much prefer you convert that to USD add-on! Then I can just purchase those items here as part of the deal, and you don’t have to pay for shipping / customs of those items!! (Does that make any sense??)