Comments on DD does QnA 3.0 Ask us Anything! <3 (June 3rd) All Comments Start of Thread Parent

♪ Question 1 ♪

Secrets never told

"I uh.... do you see these wings of mine? the bat wings,,? They don't normally look like that... They named me Crystalwing for a reason . But since I wanted my familiar to feel more homely, I've let my wings reflect something of which Xe could familiarize xerself with! <3
I don't know if I dare to reveal how my wings look like as of now. But... we'll surely see sometime soon!"

//whispering out of earshot from his familiar


How- oh. h-hello Opal. I didn't know you were here.
I guess as an invisiblood you can see through my lil wing facets? 

👀 Oh and you were sitting conveniently where I wanted my interview to take place ehah. and yeah. I can see your exposed wings bright as day.

Wowie! That’s very interesting good to know!  ( in a positive way! 

//crystalwing opens wings and for a moment you can catch a little glimmer of crystal light hrough the bat wings c:

Portalis no want other see thish...

BUT uhh...

I used to be part of a cOOOOL group of space spirits... like cool spirits you know of lil nebula clusters and all! we would watch over stellar nurseries and stuff...!! what was the name (chomps on banan jelli)

OH!! THE EMERALD PANTHEON!! IT WAS SOME KIND OF INTERESTING EIGENDOM OF WHICH THE EMERALD GODDESS (ahem deity) RULED OVER *w*** I don't even know what element Emerald is? Is it something shiny??? My spacebat eyes have yet to see any of it. But Me bets it's cool O_O

Also thanks for my shenaniganery... like (takes bite out of banan jelli & quantum sandwich)

I might've caused galactic devastation O_O''' (I hope the november tribunal never hears of it)


Ooo That’s super duper  cool! And very interesting! *acts like I didn’t hear lol!* 


Uh... //fidgets with paws as she's about to ramble

I...'We...I mean, Me and Ocre. Us Invisibloods. were under the patron deity of Actinium. A goddess of the element Actinium.

A decade or so ago, my race perished in Bygonia, in solidarity of our deity. There was just not enough Actinium in the universe for us all.

...and so with that they left two purses out in the open altar, with poems and prose, celebration and lament jotted upon paper. One for Me. One for Ocre. I remember the day so well. Our names inscribed into the gold plated leather. 

//Opal opens tiny purse to a kaleidoscope of beautiful crystals and smiles at you with tears running down her eyes and whispers
They represent the will for my ancestors for us to live on. live our lives. prosper.

Me and my sister, Ocre. Princess and Princess.
To the broad world of which we twice still explore 🥺, to hopefully one day find more actinium that me and Ocre may continue onwards.

Wow! Very nice! And interesting!!! ✨

bless ;w;

Uehm. Ahem.
I might be part of this uh... Defence Division. Whatever.
I'm a great gimmick right? Ofcourse. fun gimmick mice who follows dragons along.
heehee. Who could refuse a little gremlin like me.

But I have my reasons too c:
It does guilt me sometimes, but ;) I'm actually using them, DD, as a reason to sneak myself out of Liliput. A springboard to talk to 'my' Devons.
I have my ways ;)

In fact my diplomacy is so good that I convinced Farsighter- I mean my Qvantas to send his most Powerful Crysanthian Team into the heart of Myssimo and Lisniia.
I hope that my actions will spark hope in Liliput. They've honestly been all I could think of lately //grabs tiny blade. 

I miss my kin at home.
But at the same time I'm along for the ride.
These fellows are kind of fun.

I hope Crystal-wing (I mean Teora) will never figure out my plan.
He very well knows  that this is a scout team, I don't want to send them into somewhere as dangerous as Lisniia haha.
Ik he doesn't take lightly to members defecting! O;

However... If things do go south. I do have a backup plan ;)
It's this lil fella here:

Hehe. Teora will never ever know that I'm part of this constipous, contentious, conspiwacy spicicici, paninicy, of a plan c::;; SQUEAK

I'M SO GAME FOR THIS HEEHEE. Ofcourse, as the most loyal spacebat, who could possibly turn down selling your team out for an entire crate of OATMEAL STRAWBERRY PEANUT BUTTER YOGHURT!!!!!

Secret? Oh!! Here's mine ooh here's mine!!
I'm actually so gay that I can use that power to bend the universe. Have you heard of lesbian diplomacy? That's my power!

Like that time I talked a Lunar kirin out of unwanted calamitous miscellany. I think only a few have ever seen me use my Lighti power (see the pun, yes It involves some(lots of) light)

Oh and yeah that was a secret SHUSH

oh in astrology's fricken sake in the name of 10 headed cockatrice...


You're wearing me like a hat? did you forget that? you are carrying me around your head like a little fluffy hat...

...Not that I dislike it, carry on. //



I said a few times in the past my soul was blacker than black. That I'm so unloving, and so emotionless.

Beyond the 'by design' part.


I dislike it sometimes when people take my words at face value and my mockeries and sarcasm as is.
If only dragons could look past my mockery and drypan luna humor. 

So I guess... that part. 

I do feel