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Hi there! Wanted to stop by and say thank you sO MUCH for the art you did of my baby boy Icarus! I am absolutely in love with your style, and I love how you drew him. You got every detail spot on, he looks amazing! <3 AND I wasn't expecting you to add his guitar either, like omg, the DETAIL-! And you got his outfit peRFECt to go with it! I am in love, I could just keep going haHA! And the note about drawing the sketch with your finGER WHAT!!! That's so funny but also so impressive x D

(I also wanted to ask, if it was alright with you, if I could potentially make a full color version if it? With credit to you, of course! If you prefer your work to not be altered, that's totally cool, I just thought I'd ask : D )

AA IM GLAD YOU LIKE IT!! And yes, of course you can color it, feel free!! Side note I read through his profile and I absolutely love him he seems like SUCH a sweetie, I'm sorry the drawing wasn't the best cause of the lost stylus >< 

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! ;v; And shh noooo dude!! The art is BEAUTIFUL, for real! I'm absolutely in love with everything about it! I never would've guessed it came in the middle of a stylus malfunction lol!! 

And HWAHH AgH you're too kind!! ;;o;; He's a big dumb softy and one of my oldest favorites, so I'm very flattered that you read his page and think so aa!! <3 <3 <3

YESS!!!! Hes the absolute sweetest, I absolutely love big dumb softies (my own dumb guy has been my favorite forever too so I relate to you on that)

AWESH YES! Big sweethearts united!! They just hold the world together and by the world I mean me! ;v; 

Which one is yours? I'd love to see! ^v^

SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSES I just got home ( 〃▽〃) but YES same omg 

And its this dude! His profile DESPERATELY needs to be updated so I can add in all of his story (but I'm lazy)

2 Replies