Comments on [F2U HTML] Modular User All Comments

Just edited my user with this!! I adore the layout so much! Though I have a question, for the featured section that has 6 slots, I wanted to remove 2 so that it only had four listed, but then they no longer center and there's an empty gap. Is there a way to remove the gap with only four slots there? (Apologies if this isn't the place for questions /gen)

hihi, this is exactly the place for questions, dw! :D i'm glad you like it first of all!! <3 where it says col-6 col-sm-4 col-xl-2 p-1 for each item in that section, try replacing it with col-6 col-sm-3 p-1. this will make them much bigger, btw, which i think is what you want, but if you would prefer they were just moved to the center or spaced evenly instead, you could add justify-content-center or justify-content-between to the line right above the first one, where it says row no-gutters mx-n1 mb-n1. i should've added one of these to begin with, so thanks for the reminder lol, i'll put it in the template now! lmk if you need a more in-depth explanation!

(edited because i made a bad assumption about how i structured my own code lmao. should be accurate now!)

Making the images larger by replacing the col-6n code alone worked perfectly! Thank you so much for explaining it!!

no problem, glad i could help! ^^