Comments on Animated Icon Comms (CLOSED) All Comments

May I get a ping for when these open again? 🫡💕 gonna try and get a surprise for a friend one day ehehe

Of course! Actually, I finished all commissions in my queue last night so I can take more now! If you'd like an animated icon now feel free to fill out the form!

Oh yooo~! oki! Style: 1


Any specific expression you want?: Playful/smirking

Extras: Could he be facing the opposite way of the Todd one?

Any specific background color?: Pastel lime green! and transparent plz

Extra info (optional): is it extra to have his ears wiggle after the wings? (possible same time as Todd's whiskers? lkdfaskj)

Thank you for ordering! And I think making the ears and wings wiggle should be simple enough so it won't be extra for that! The total would be $25, do I send the invoice to the same email as last time?

Yes please! Edit: I JUST SAW HOW BAD THE LAYOUT LOOKED ABOVE I’m so sorry it’s all bunched aaaa

Oh no worries!! And invoice sent!

2 Replies