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I would love to buy the ink stickers!!!

Hiya! Just asking for clarification! Are you looking to buy the bundle, or just the stickers? \ o / If stickers, separating from the bundle, are probably going to be $2 each (not inclusive of shipping prices)!

If just the stickers, which ones would you like?


I would love to buy the bundle!

Alright! \ o / I'll let you know when to send the payment since I'll have to check the shipping prices, first! 

Please send a private message to me of your address and I'll go down to the post-office sometime before the weekend to check! ( ᐛ )و

Would you also like one with tracking or no tracking? (Tracking is a bit more costly, but makes sure that your item is on the way to you, while non-tracking is cheaper, a bit faster but harder to pinpoint the item's location!)