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*insert amazing greeting here because I'm so great at greetings haloooo*

Hai hai!!!

I can't organize what I want to say to you very well but uhhhh lessee here--

  1. You may have indirectly contributed to me having a manager sona now, I saw your Oleander Meme the other day and some neurons activated because I'm definitely normal about animalified designs/CBCs/kinsonas
  2. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 (I'm a lot more used to speaking in English so it's not exactly obvious to people but ya saya orang Indo)

OH MY GOD hai orng Indo!!! Whoops maaf telat jawab sebenernya sy udah nyangka kamu juga for some reason and dw I speak English more irl too JSJCJSJXS but thanks a lot dude I didn't know that animation meme still have an effect toward other people it's so old and I want to actually redo it 😭 glad you enjoy my animalifieds though!! 🙏🙏

BWAHAHAH I figured some of my character favorites might've given it away, or maybe my choice of greeting--
Side note that is somewhat relevant: Cahya may be the peak of Carmen CBC names for me I just can't get over it. Help--

Also aUGYFHGJ I'd LOVE to see a remake of that--

I DIDNT REALIZE IT because I had someone else favoriting the same set of characters too so I don't want to assume they're indos ☚ī¸

DUDE it's so good and fitting because very Carmencore oh my God I'm so bigbrained for this

3 Replies