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BWAHAHAH I figured some of my character favorites might've given it away, or maybe my choice of greeting--
Side note that is somewhat relevant: Cahya may be the peak of Carmen CBC names for me I just can't get over it. Help--

Also aUGYFHGJ I'd LOVE to see a remake of that--

I DIDNT REALIZE IT because I had someone else favoriting the same set of characters too so I don't want to assume they're indos ☹️

DUDE it's so good and fitting because very Carmencore oh my God I'm so bigbrained for this

TO BE FAIR that fave spree was prompted by me looking through my notifications after spending the whole day working on Another's profile but at some point during that I sort of became the living embodiment of "Ada Indonesia, coy" so that's probably why my favorites sprung to mind as a clue when I read your reply--

Also you are indeed very big-brained the name choice is Perfect™--

HELPP but anyways I hope you do enjoy my Indonesia centric projmoon OCs bcs I'm still developing it * froth * representation + also I have a lovehate relationship with this nation I'm putting them in The City idc

YEAAAAAAAAA REP also yes that's completely understandable fJJEVFKDHDK--