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OH my god. Thats literally soo messed up! Personally i think showing that video to childern ( minors and such ), is just so so horrible - knowing that ur brother had to get a brace and go through the process of pain and healing - its enough trauma or physical/mental damage. and showing a video of a more tramatizing scenario is just overloading it!! 😣 the suffering it is /3

Im really sorry you and your brother had to go through that, just watching such horrible stuff.. 😔 and knwoing its not your first time is just not so comforting too. IT is NOT okay watching such things more than once or even at all!!

Anyways, Im glad that you're getting better ! Im sure you'll heal through , just try your best and distract urself when u can kip 💞 and your welcome! Its my pleasure, I'll be here and there if you need anything , like talk or discuss etc. or just even say hi ! ✨ This made my day just reading your reply ( the end part mostly ) <33