Comments on Don't Steal Art/Characters??? All Comments

i’m pretty sure one of my exes is currently using my characters with designs and stories they slightly changed, can’t do anything because i have no proof lololololol </3 

there’s a difference between being inspired by a story or character and outright stealing one, and if you do take inspo, credit is necessary. for example, Kalma is inspired by Nimaruu’s character Kenza, with credit being given in the warning so it can’t be looked over. This is especially true because I’m not sure of Kenza’s story or general personality other than the fact that he’s a ship child; my inspo came from the reference sheet! (can’t find a tumblr post, but did find it here! kal’s been redesigned quite often so there may no longer be resemblance especially since they’re different species but) 

and of course, if you do take inspo from someone, you need to be willing to listen. I can not stress how important that is; not just going “lol you can’t do anything about it i’m fully taking your character because you don’t deserve them lolllll,” being open to criticism and of course learning the difference between inspo and copying.