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Designing characters is so much fun, I love seeing bright lil goobers running around and just existing hehe
Also as soon as I saw Kiyo I fell in love with their colors and design, they're so pretty aAA

and SAME last time I did an adopt batch I had 2 left and decided to keep them, they grew on me LOL
If I do another adopt set it might happen again if I get super attached xD

Also aaaa im really glad you enjoy my designs, warms my silly gremlin soul 💙

Aw shucks thank you! I honestly made her shortly after watching the gamegrumps series of them playing unleashed and remembering fondness towards my big fixation as a kid djdjd. She's my lovable little shrine maiden that lives on a floating shrine actually, raises chao and cares for them while her shrine is suspended above the heavens. 

Honestly felt that, felt it so hard. I usually have to tell myself no and that I can always treat myself to a design another day. I'm very picky with some stuff so I usually stick to trades when it comes to getting designs, cause again I'm picky but hoping to find some designs that just itch my brain right.

god same, i'm also picky when it comes to designs
though if its based after a certain theme I like, I wanna make sure I get it the exact way I want it lol (that or I wanna make sure the pattern or color palette looks good :) )

Honestly same, I try to get it the way I want or I ask a friend/moot to help me design it. I've got maybe a few people who know my aesthetic well enough tjfjf 

But sometimes I do love getting designs from other people especially when it's in my range of aesthetics. Mobian ocs tho are a bit finicky for me aesthetic wise, like I want it a certain way but also want it to pop with a bit of unique pizazz like, I know I'll wanna get an oc that's a child of a certain canon and I'll want it a certain way but it's tough to explain. Im very finicky on the ideas I want, but most of the time if it's pink/flowery/based on a fox/inugami/demon type of vibe then I'll take it.

that's totally valid and I feel ya lol! 

Apologies for rambling your ears off! Rather honored to have you following me and enjoying my stuff.

2 Replies