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OH i didnt imagine there would be people who still remembered me from dA LOL i think i only linked my old twitter (which is where i mostly am now) there and left, i kinda miss the old dA era tbh

i opened it a few hours ago on my twitter! the slots get filled super fast so theyre not first come first server HOWEVER id LOVE to make a remake of that pagedoll for a discount when my queue is more manageable!

that would mean the world to me!! ;;
can i get a price estimate? O: and just hmu anytime when you're available and i will jump right on that   no rush though ofc, i know big queues can be stressful :3 just excited to be able to see your art again <:'D

around 15$ ! im happy to find u too! i still love ur art

aaa thank you <:3 and i can absolutely do that (:<