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OH MY GOD. this character is so fucking endearing and great, ok. i love all of the little nuances and fun things to her - she isn't just a wall-puncher, she's a wall-puncher with feelings and a complicated backstory and tons of really interesting relationships with other people! 

there's a lot of little things that push her over the edge for me. like, she's a horny (haha pun) lesbian, but it's also connected to her culture's relationship with physicality! she's got a quick temper, but she also feels deeply and intensely when she really loves and cares about someone, and is really amicable... and man, i think what makes any character is their interactions with the people around them, and the entire relationships section kept hitting me with these delightful little surprises that just make her even more interesting.

what a good character. this slaps so hard

cries i'm so overwhelmed with this comment i couldn't find the will to write something longer, so TYSM for taking the time to read about saika! it's super appreciated!