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The key word being, "Almost!" :D
I do hope Toyhouse will soon update it to where it's more like an art social media!  

I doubt it! The one mod/admin is barely running it as is! Alot of tickets don't get answered, it's a train wreck :( (guitarist pun not intended)

Sad when a website is barely run! Because this sites got lots of potential! If they up the allowed MB that is... like wow   

Train Wreck... HUEHUEHEU-   

it's really help to add just a regular image feature! like deviantart almost, just with the added benefit of having a character organizer 

that'd be so fun! 

I agree! It's been sooo difficult to find an art website to post to! I've semi-given up! :D
So If Toyhouse added things like that, that'd be awesome!  

It would! I kinda just use Instagram for now

it's alright! alot of funny videos

3 Replies