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Oh my gosh! What a cute little fella! I’d absolutely love for a chance to give them a home! They’d certainly make great friends with my other little guys! ^^

I’ll try typing out a lil bio/story for them when I can! :D

Sorry in advance if this seems a little long and I tried my best!

Shochiro ! Goes by He/They

One of the most expressive citizens of Doodlesville!
He is often a bundle of energy, and can literally zoom by when he’s fully charged for the day.

His cloud-like nature, combined with how expressive he can be, helps him aid the other residents. Water being one of the most helpful resources he can provide, along with reaching high places!

He was once a curious little guy who often worried and struggled with containing their very expressive emotions. Every step and turn, putting them on edge. It almost always ends in disaster for them.

It never helped when he was the odd one out in this world of seemingly normal and exceptionally boring puffballs. He only wanted to bring some pizzazz to his everyday life of doom and gloom that seemed to be around every corner.

He was often talked down on and told to buzz off on numerous occasions. All because they didn’t want to catch what he had. But he knew that there was nothing wrong with him, or at least he didn’t feel like it. He just couldn’t help expressing the way he does. But there is so much he could take before he started to question himself. Was there actually something wrong with him?

He tried to be “better” by containing what he could, appearing somewhat emotionless to prevent any slip ups. However, bottling up your emotions can do more harm than letting it out. So you can imagine how explosive he was when the dam finally broke free.

This eventually lead to him being kicked out by the ones he deemed friends. And with no where else to go, he wandered far beyond the stretch of nothingness in hopes of finding a better place. He could never tell just how far he’s gone, everything looked the same in his eyes. Blank and white, void of any other living beings.

Then before he knew it, he was lost..

After what felt like an eternity, he decided to take a nap. Maybe all of this was a bad dream? Surely he could just close his eyes and he’d wake back up in his little room like nothing happened. And it would just be another uneventful day like always!

His little spark of hope dropped and he was sent to tears as soon as he realized that none of this was a dream. Falling to the floor and planting his face into the ground, he started to ball his eyes out. Through all the sniffles and hiccups, he drew the attention of someone who wasn’t there before. Was he going mad? Well it didn’t seem to matter, since he couldn’t be bothered to bring himself to look.

What came next nearly made him jump out of his skin! A very loud “HELLO!!” and a “WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?” was heard right next to him. Causing him to immediately back off from a possible threat. Upon seeing the culprit, his sudden confusion turned to anger. How dare they give him a spook of a lifetime! Can’t they see he was trying to cry and hope for someone to rescue him in peace!? ..Wait a minute… there was someone!!

Quickly he tried to apologize, ask for help, and question where he was and who they were all at once. Surprisingly they somehow understood what he was trying to say. They told him that they could help, that he was no where, and that their name is Interrobang.

In a blink of an eye, Interrobang was practically dragging him to a place called Doodlesville! And boy was there so much to see there! He just couldn’t believe his eyes! There was so much color and things he’s never seen before! Everyone was extremely different from each other as well!

It wasn’t long before he knew that he found a place he could call home. He was welcomed there with open arms, and he wasn’t the odd one out anymore. Everyone else is just as unique as he is! And he wouldn’t have it any other way.


- out of habit, he tends to bottle his emotions. But Interrobang makes sure to help him express rather than compress.

- imagine the fun winter breaks they could have! With the help of Ransom, they could even build an ice rink!

- he’ll even help Nowchi with watering their plants, making sure each one is healthy and hydrated

- sometimes he wonders what it’s like to be part of the sky, and who better to help him experience it for himself? Pop is always willing to tag along and float as high as he wants to go!

Thank you so much! I’ll take care of them the best I can! And I hope you have a swell week! :D